YouTubing to 10,800 views per hour

I just saw Brian Keller admitting that he’s a YouTube addict and that he found a developer-oriented video that was sponsored by Windward Reports that’s now seeing about 10,800 downloads per hour. Whew!

9 thoughts on “YouTubing to 10,800 views per hour

  1. With 3 CCD Vid cams and decent NLEs at the affordable level, and professional cams like Panavision Genesis, at the small to medium studio level, serious Videography is becoming more democratic, but quality is still king, as whole slew of pulp on the bottom of the pond too, and endless arty film students spinning circles. But it looks good, imho.


  2. With 3 CCD Vid cams and decent NLEs at the affordable level, and professional cams like Panavision Genesis, at the small to medium studio level, serious Videography is becoming more democratic, but quality is still king, as whole slew of pulp on the bottom of the pond too, and endless arty film students spinning circles. But it looks good, imho.


  3. Pingback: Windward Studios

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