Former Senator using Peer-to-Peer tech

Former Senator John Edwards is using BitTorrent to distribute content, Taegan Goddard reports on his Political Wire blog.

Oh, that has got to chafe the recording industry’s behind.

Why? Because it demonstrates there’s a legitimate purpose behind BitTorrent. It also will drag in tons of non-geeks who’ll try it out for the first time and discover they can distribute all sorts of stuff here, like HD video from their camcorders.

For instance, check out the Scourist. These guys take cool traveling trips, and put up their videos. They are slow to download. But if BitTorrent were in place (or, the easier to use RedSwoosh) then distributing stuff like this would be a breeze and wouldn’t cost anyone huge money.

One thing this shows is that John Edwards is positioning himself as a technology literate guy. It’ll be interesting to see if, and how, he uses that position if he runs for President next year.

Community Podcast directory?

Dave Winer linked over to a Canadian podcast directory. That’s very cool. He asks whether there’s interest in a community podcast directory. I’m interested. I’d like to work on that with other people and I won’t just link to cool stuff, either. It’s bigger than one person, or one company, too.

It’s too hard to find good podcasts. I know, I’m actively looking for them and it’s really hard. There’s a lot of them out there and you can only listen to one or two a day (I have more time than that, but the average person won’t).

One thing I’m gonna do is do a blog just for Dave where I link to one podcast a day that I think he should listen to. Why? Cause he asked me to. Of course you can suggest stuff to get to Dave (and everyone will get to read that RSS feed too). I’ll listen to anything sent my way and decide whether it’s worthy or not to send along to Dave. Sound interesting? How about I do a feed for you? What would you like me to find for you?

UK blogger sacked

A UK blogger, living in France, was sacked (Roland Piquepaille, famous technologist blogged that).

She won’t be the last one. Blogging is like hopping on stage at a major conference. You wouldn’t do that and start talking smack about your boss, would you? Would you honestly expect to stay employed?

If your boss doesn’t know you’re doing it, that should set off alarm bells right there. Talking online WILL get back to your boss. Unless you are so freaking careful to make sure you stay anonymous (like MiniMicrosoft, Microsoft’s anonymous blogger, has so far). This person obviously didn’t stay anonymous enough. It’s why I don’t advise anyone try the anonymous route: either be straight up with your boss and everyone, or stay off the Internet.

The lawsuit that springs out of this will be interesting to watch. If it succeeds it’ll set back corporate blogging in Europe because corporations will just adopt a zero tolerance policy toward any blogging out of school. I hope she gets kicked out of court.

Here in California and Washington we are an “work at will” state. I can get fired for pretty much any reason, especially when I talk about my workplace on stage in public (my contracts with all my recent employers says that and rubs it in). Such a lawsuit would be laughed out of court here.

Anytime you are identifyable with your company you’ve gotta be professional about your behavior. It’s why at Microsoft we said the policy was “be smart.” That roughly translated to “don’t piss off your boss.”