Day of exit interviews

I’m no longer a Microsoft employee. So, on Thursday I sat down with Kathleen Craig of Wired News to do an exit interview. Charles Torre interviewed me and Patrick while I cleaned out my office on Thursday. That interview will be up on Tuesday. My last interview, with Alex Gounares (Bill Gates’ technical assistant, who just got a promotion to corporate VP of corporate strategy at Microsoft) should be up shortly too. It’s a fun interview, can’t wait for you to see that.

4 thoughts on “Day of exit interviews

  1. >>I sat down with Kathleen Craig of Wired News to do an exit interview.

    Not really an exit interview. I was hoping for thoughts about leaving Microsoft…


  2. >>I sat down with Kathleen Craig of Wired News to do an exit interview.

    Not really an exit interview. I was hoping for thoughts about leaving Microsoft…


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