Twitter quake

Many of the users of Twitter are in the San Francisco Bay Area. So, when a small earthquake hit there this evening lots of people wrote about their experiences on Twitter.

The best presentation from LIFT: Brian Cox

If there’s one presentation where I actually LEARNED something new, it was Brain Cox’s presentation at LIFT. This is a wonderful presentation (Rodrigo linked to two versions), I wouldn’t miss it. He’s a former rock star who now is a physicist at CERN and explains the work that CERN is doing (hint: they are going to discover the key building blocks of mass). Simply inspiring. Must watch. All that.

And, if after watching that you wanna check out some ScobleShows, we uploaded two more interesting ones today. First is an interview with vice president at Sun Microsystems who talks about startup trends and what Sun is doing.

I wonder what startups and/or developers think about what Sun is saying here?

The second set is for Webmasters who want to build their own browser toolbars. Conduit’s Reena Jadhav talks about why you’d want to do that and demonstrates how to do it.

UPDATE: I just watched this again. It is just so freaking inspiring. I wish every schoolkid in the world would watch this. It would inspire, I think, a whole generation of people to become scientists and want to work on CERN’s data.

UPDATE 2: This is a good video to watch before you watch my tour of CERN’s computing center and museum.

Joost … deleted instantly here

I was one of the seemingly lucky ones who got a beta invite to Joost, the hyped up media distribution network from the folks who created Skype. I got my invite by begging on Twitter.

I installed it. It took over my entire screen. I couldn’t figure out how to get out. Or get back to Google Reader and Outlook and my other apps.

Well, I’m lying. I know how to get back to other apps. Alt-Tab.

Or Ctrl-Alt-Delete, which pulls up task manager and I can kill that process.

I did that and promptly deleted it.

What a rude app. I don’t care how cool it is. You don’t take over my desktop if you want me to use you.