Crayon, first SecondLife company?

Congrats to Shel Holtz (one of my favorite marketing bloggers/podcasters), C.C. Chapman (podsafe music pioneer), Neville Hobson (partner on Shel’s podcast), Joe Jaffe (advertising guru who wrote an excellent book titled “Life After the 30 Second Spot”) who joined together to create Crayon.

TechCrunch has the details and says they are claiming to be the first company launched in the virtual SecondLife. Neville Hobson has a post on Crayon too.

6 thoughts on “Crayon, first SecondLife company?

  1. Unrelated, (sorry, I didn’t know where to post this Q) I love The Scoble Show. Initially, you asked for any suggestions, and I am hoping you mic yourself in future episodes. The quality on Olivier Garbe was awesome, but it was kinda hard to hear you. Keep it up though, I love the show – it’s caused quite a few conversations of my own.


  2. Unrelated, (sorry, I didn’t know where to post this Q) I love The Scoble Show. Initially, you asked for any suggestions, and I am hoping you mic yourself in future episodes. The quality on Olivier Garbe was awesome, but it was kinda hard to hear you. Keep it up though, I love the show – it’s caused quite a few conversations of my own.


  3. Andrew: yes, I’ve gotten a second microphone now. Future videos are better. Sorry about the audio quality.


  4. Andrew: yes, I’ve gotten a second microphone now. Future videos are better. Sorry about the audio quality.


  5. They “activate passions, enthusiasm, organic dialogue”? What does that EVEN mean? Geeesus, someone hand me the Steve Gillmor to English Dictionary, please. Just a buncha new maketing buzzword soup, when customers want real hard metrics, demographic spreads and end-results, not some new-agey speak “virtual mash-up”. But they will be good for one thing, draining the Web 2.0 companies marketing budgets dry. Irony that. Just think of them as Robin Hoods and Merry Men, the VCs cast as Sheriff of Nottingham. Steal from the VCs, never mind the ‘give to poor’ parts.

    Life is fun when you don’t have to achieve any results, you can dwiddle in Second Life, all the live long day, making customers come to you, rather than going to them. As for everyone else, I wouldn’t can that Crispin Porter account just yet.

    And CRAYON? CRAYON? That’s the name? Someone better get a good trademark lawyer, they are about to be sued to high heaven.

    And their ‘primary colors’ analogy is flawed, as Red, Green and Blue in various degrees, produce millions of colors, RGB model anyone? Geesh. They more meant the “primary pigments” of Red, Blue and Yellow. Now that would fit the “crayons” in the box metaphor better. Of course, to get GREAT color, you need an extra S-Videoy channel, namely brightness (luminance). And RGB is not the only model, CMY, YUV, YIQ, HSB/HLS…for TLA soup. 😉


  6. They “activate passions, enthusiasm, organic dialogue”? What does that EVEN mean? Geeesus, someone hand me the Steve Gillmor to English Dictionary, please. Just a buncha new maketing buzzword soup, when customers want real hard metrics, demographic spreads and end-results, not some new-agey speak “virtual mash-up”. But they will be good for one thing, draining the Web 2.0 companies marketing budgets dry. Irony that. Just think of them as Robin Hoods and Merry Men, the VCs cast as Sheriff of Nottingham. Steal from the VCs, never mind the ‘give to poor’ parts.

    Life is fun when you don’t have to achieve any results, you can dwiddle in Second Life, all the live long day, making customers come to you, rather than going to them. As for everyone else, I wouldn’t can that Crispin Porter account just yet.

    And CRAYON? CRAYON? That’s the name? Someone better get a good trademark lawyer, they are about to be sued to high heaven.

    And their ‘primary colors’ analogy is flawed, as Red, Green and Blue in various degrees, produce millions of colors, RGB model anyone? Geesh. They more meant the “primary pigments” of Red, Blue and Yellow. Now that would fit the “crayons” in the box metaphor better. Of course, to get GREAT color, you need an extra S-Videoy channel, namely brightness (luminance). And RGB is not the only model, CMY, YUV, YIQ, HSB/HLS…for TLA soup. 😉


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