How to use Google to get a date

Oh, boy, Irish blogger Damien Mulley is crossing the politically correct line with his insightful guide called “How to use Google to get a girl.” I bet this gets 1,400 Diggs within three hours.

My favorite line? “Orkut is ancient Brazilian for “place to find people who will have sex with you”. This is why Orkut is full of Brazilians.”

27 thoughts on “How to use Google to get a date

  1. Pingback: The Paradigm Shift
  2. Damien’s blog article might be used by stalkers/weirdos more than by nerds.

    though the border line that distinguishes nerds from weirdos is very thin.


  3. Damien’s blog article might be used by stalkers/weirdos more than by nerds.

    though the border line that distinguishes nerds from weirdos is very thin.


  4. Pingback: Stall The Ball
  5. In all honesty, if you need the Internet to find a girl, there is something wrong with you. NOTHING replaces meeting people the old fashioned way — in church, the library, the grocery store.
    Men, while supposedly full of testosterone and ready to have sex with anything with a pulse, seem to be relying more and more on the Internet for their meetings. I hate this idea. Once you meet someone, by all means, research them, but actually meeting people isn’t about websites created by dudes with Piled Higher and Deeper degrees — it’s about actually meeting people by accident, or arranged by mutual friends.
    Notice I left out the bar scene. Marriages and relationships forged in bars or nightclubs almost never last. The best people are found in church, the libraries, computer clubs, the football pitch, while vacationing on cruise ships, etc.
    People who rely on the Internet for their relationship needs sorely need to get a grip on life. Not everything needs to have something to do with the Internet. I’m personally starting to encourage a personel backlash with myself to start spending less and less time online and more and more time in meatspace. The Internet is a tool, not a lifestyle, despite what anyone tells you. We are all just humans looking for better tools. The Internet helps but should not replace common sense or people skills.


  6. In all honesty, if you need the Internet to find a girl, there is something wrong with you. NOTHING replaces meeting people the old fashioned way — in church, the library, the grocery store.
    Men, while supposedly full of testosterone and ready to have sex with anything with a pulse, seem to be relying more and more on the Internet for their meetings. I hate this idea. Once you meet someone, by all means, research them, but actually meeting people isn’t about websites created by dudes with Piled Higher and Deeper degrees — it’s about actually meeting people by accident, or arranged by mutual friends.
    Notice I left out the bar scene. Marriages and relationships forged in bars or nightclubs almost never last. The best people are found in church, the libraries, computer clubs, the football pitch, while vacationing on cruise ships, etc.
    People who rely on the Internet for their relationship needs sorely need to get a grip on life. Not everything needs to have something to do with the Internet. I’m personally starting to encourage a personel backlash with myself to start spending less and less time online and more and more time in meatspace. The Internet is a tool, not a lifestyle, despite what anyone tells you. We are all just humans looking for better tools. The Internet helps but should not replace common sense or people skills.


  7. Good lord, I would never go out with somebody who tried to pick me up in a grocery store. I’m a little more focused on the food at that time, and nothing’s as annoying when you’re just reaching for the tortillas as some guy smarming up with a “hey there, lil lady, seems like you’ll be needin’ something spicy tonight.”

    As our community ties migrate to the web, so have our traditional community functions like meeting people. It’s really not much different from that whole letter-based courtship of the Victorian age, only this time you get to see webcam footage and can judge them in advance by how their house looks in the background.


  8. Good lord, I would never go out with somebody who tried to pick me up in a grocery store. I’m a little more focused on the food at that time, and nothing’s as annoying when you’re just reaching for the tortillas as some guy smarming up with a “hey there, lil lady, seems like you’ll be needin’ something spicy tonight.”

    As our community ties migrate to the web, so have our traditional community functions like meeting people. It’s really not much different from that whole letter-based courtship of the Victorian age, only this time you get to see webcam footage and can judge them in advance by how their house looks in the background.


  9. You’re wrong when you say that Brazilians use Orkut just to have sex. It simply doesn’t happen.
    I’m sorry for you.


  10. You’re wrong when you say that Brazilians use Orkut just to have sex. It simply doesn’t happen.
    I’m sorry for you.


  11. To the writer of this blog:
    “Orkut is ancient Brazilian for “place to find people who will have sex with you”. This is why Orkut is full of Brazilians.”
    That gives me a lot to think. I’m a Brazilian young woman, I’ve been using Orkut for more than two years and guess what? None of my friends or anyone else has ever tryed to hump me just because my face was seen at orkut. Is me the problem? I don’t think so. None of my friends has ever witnessed a behaviour like that. I’m aware that we, brazilians, are the dominant people at orkut. Maybe it’s because we were the ones that have truly seen the wonder this engine is. Orkut allows us to get in touch with our lots, tons of friends(yes, we are a very friendly people that’s why we have lots and lots of friends) some times you may even find friends that you thought you would never see again, like those from kindergarten or those that moved to “Only God knows where”. It’s so useful! Even my parents and relatives have an orkut account! So I’d rather think of orkut as an online family environment. I’m sure there are people there primarly for sex, but that’s their problem. The majority is not! You seem to be a very intelligent person. It shocks me that such bright person could support a quote like this wich generalizes the brazilian people. It’s like I say you are dumb because your president is stupid! All I can say is I’m really offended and if you were in my shoes you would be to. I apologise for any of my english mistakes, but I just couldn’t read that and say nothing.


  12. To the writer of this blog:
    “Orkut is ancient Brazilian for “place to find people who will have sex with you”. This is why Orkut is full of Brazilians.”
    That gives me a lot to think. I’m a Brazilian young woman, I’ve been using Orkut for more than two years and guess what? None of my friends or anyone else has ever tryed to hump me just because my face was seen at orkut. Is me the problem? I don’t think so. None of my friends has ever witnessed a behaviour like that. I’m aware that we, brazilians, are the dominant people at orkut. Maybe it’s because we were the ones that have truly seen the wonder this engine is. Orkut allows us to get in touch with our lots, tons of friends(yes, we are a very friendly people that’s why we have lots and lots of friends) some times you may even find friends that you thought you would never see again, like those from kindergarten or those that moved to “Only God knows where”. It’s so useful! Even my parents and relatives have an orkut account! So I’d rather think of orkut as an online family environment. I’m sure there are people there primarly for sex, but that’s their problem. The majority is not! You seem to be a very intelligent person. It shocks me that such bright person could support a quote like this wich generalizes the brazilian people. It’s like I say you are dumb because your president is stupid! All I can say is I’m really offended and if you were in my shoes you would be to. I apologise for any of my english mistakes, but I just couldn’t read that and say nothing.


  13. Raquel – You got offended for nothing.
    It’s a joke! The whole post is cinical.

    Lighten up.

    I know a lot of Brazilians, I was in Brazil and I have an accaunt in Orkut – and guess what I think that line is damn funny!


  14. Raquel – You got offended for nothing.
    It’s a joke! The whole post is cinical.

    Lighten up.

    I know a lot of Brazilians, I was in Brazil and I have an accaunt in Orkut – and guess what I think that line is damn funny!


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