Koral would make Vista cool

Koral has a knowledge management system that is the coolest thing I saw at the SAP show recently and I have a demo and an interview on ScobleShow today.

Look at how it keeps Excel spreadsheets and other files in sync.

Demo (9:20). Interview (22:39).

Oh, there’s lots of stuff on Vista around today. I put the best on my link blog. Including this list of ways Microsoft could make Vista better by Jeremy Toeman. Heheh, John Dvorak is tired of baiting Mac users, so now he’s going to bait Windows users to be equal opportunity. Got it John! Damn, I fell for it again! 😉

5 thoughts on “Koral would make Vista cool

  1. There are lots of ways to make vista cool, but I don’t think you’ve hit on them.

    I’ve got chronic tinea. And it’s itchy! It started in my toes, but didn’t waste any time making its way to my crotch.

    Bugger, sometimes it’s tough being a Kiwi!


  2. There are lots of ways to make vista cool, but I don’t think you’ve hit on them.

    I’ve got chronic tinea. And it’s itchy! It started in my toes, but didn’t waste any time making its way to my crotch.

    Bugger, sometimes it’s tough being a Kiwi!


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