Go to CES for free…

NetGear is looking for a blogger to take to CES. The details are linked to from Jeremy Toeman’s blog. Hey, that’s a cool way to get to the PodTech CES BlogHaus for free. 🙂

CNET family disappears…

Engadget’s Ryan Block (his girlfriend works at CNET) reports that James Kim, the senior editor of digital audio at CNET, and his entire family, have gone missing on a drive to Seattle from San Francisco. Engadget is asking for your help.

Ryan, do you know what kind of car they were driving? License plate number?

I sure hope they are found. Last time blogs were used in a search for someone missing it didn’t end so well. (A friend of a friend died after he fell down a mountain, but was missing for several days and blogs were used in the search). My thoughts are with the family and friends of James Kim and family. I can’t even imagine not knowing what happened to a family member of mine.