Thomas Hawk says Google’s hype is too high

Dave Winer’s comments yesterday sure got a lot of commentary. I put some of them over on my link blog. But, I liked Thomas Hawk’s points the best.

One thing about this new world. You can certainly see when there are divergent opinions and we’re far more cautious this time around. I still remember having to lay myself off in the bust last time and that wasn’t fun at all.

I’d rather have it this way than the old way where all the “professional” hype was up, up, up.

14 thoughts on “Thomas Hawk says Google’s hype is too high

  1. Google hyoe IS way too high. Hype is the operative word here. Google search is no better than Yahoo, IMO. I quit using Google about two years ago and haven’t looked back. I find Yahoo to be more accurate and have less signal-to-noise ratio. Everyone games Google. The SEOs, everyone. It’s hype. Google has mindshare — that’s it. Their products are not better than Yahoo’s or Asks or MSNs, IMO. Google has the “coolness” about it with the geeks, and everyone desires to work there. I turned down an interview with Google in favor of another company and I’m glad I did so.

    Hype, I tell you… nothing but hype.


  2. Google hyoe IS way too high. Hype is the operative word here. Google search is no better than Yahoo, IMO. I quit using Google about two years ago and haven’t looked back. I find Yahoo to be more accurate and have less signal-to-noise ratio. Everyone games Google. The SEOs, everyone. It’s hype. Google has mindshare — that’s it. Their products are not better than Yahoo’s or Asks or MSNs, IMO. Google has the “coolness” about it with the geeks, and everyone desires to work there. I turned down an interview with Google in favor of another company and I’m glad I did so.

    Hype, I tell you… nothing but hype.


  3. ” It’s hype. Google has mindshare — that’s it. ”

    also known as… the only thing that means anything on the internet


  4. ” It’s hype. Google has mindshare — that’s it. ”

    also known as… the only thing that means anything on the internet


  5. Mike,

    Mindshare isn’t everything. For example, McDonald’s has mindshare with their restaurants, but we both know the best hamburgers are to be found at the mom and pop places. That’s what I mean…
    Popularity does NOT equal quality.
    Google, like most people, is hyped up because of the so-called Web 2.0 experience. There is no Web 2.0. It’s nothing but marketing hype. The Internet is simply progressing, evolving as it were into the next, better usability stage. What’s next? Web 3.0? No. Just a better Internet.
    Let’s call things what they are. Simple is always better. Period.


  6. Mike,

    Mindshare isn’t everything. For example, McDonald’s has mindshare with their restaurants, but we both know the best hamburgers are to be found at the mom and pop places. That’s what I mean…
    Popularity does NOT equal quality.
    Google, like most people, is hyped up because of the so-called Web 2.0 experience. There is no Web 2.0. It’s nothing but marketing hype. The Internet is simply progressing, evolving as it were into the next, better usability stage. What’s next? Web 3.0? No. Just a better Internet.
    Let’s call things what they are. Simple is always better. Period.


  7. Web 2.0 is not hype. Just count the $7.9 billion riding on it in the first six months of 2006 alone.

    Click to access IAB_PwC%202006Q2.pdf

    Google is not hype. Looks like the world is running on it. At least, I do!

    In a remote town in India, it filtered down to me and opened up a world of opportunities. No other web entity did that for me, and the millions like me.

    Plus my email is gmail. My blog is in Blogspot. And this list is growing. And no one else is doing this.

    Jay, from Bangalore


  8. Web 2.0 is not hype. Just count the $7.9 billion riding on it in the first six months of 2006 alone.

    Click to access IAB_PwC%202006Q2.pdf

    Google is not hype. Looks like the world is running on it. At least, I do!

    In a remote town in India, it filtered down to me and opened up a world of opportunities. No other web entity did that for me, and the millions like me.

    Plus my email is gmail. My blog is in Blogspot. And this list is growing. And no one else is doing this.

    Jay, from Bangalore


  9. Jay, you can be both great and overly hyped – and I think this is the concern with Google.

    Hype implies concepts like ‘undeserved’ or ‘overblown’. A high level of well-earned awareness like Google’s is not inherently bad but it is possible to go too far. There were some worthy companies and technologies in the original Internet bubble, but they got swept up in the market hype and fell victim to its backlash. We’re wise to be more cautious this time around.


  10. Jay, you can be both great and overly hyped – and I think this is the concern with Google.

    Hype implies concepts like ‘undeserved’ or ‘overblown’. A high level of well-earned awareness like Google’s is not inherently bad but it is possible to go too far. There were some worthy companies and technologies in the original Internet bubble, but they got swept up in the market hype and fell victim to its backlash. We’re wise to be more cautious this time around.


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