Does being on TechMeme improve your sex life?



You’d think that getting on TechMeme improves your sex life or makes you money or something the way a small group of bloggers are bleating on and on about how TechMeme is unfair or how it’s a travesty that you can get added to TechMeme’s set of algorithm’s just by linking to TechMeme and proving you have enough traffic.

Me? I’ve been on TechMeme dozens of times. All it’s earned me is grief.

Are you worried about the elitism of A list jerks like me?


That’s how you take down the A list. Link, baby, link!

What I find ironic is everyone who complains about TechMeme does nothing but link to TechMeme. They don’t link to a single new and unknown blogger.

Here’s an example. Today Ross Mayfield told me about this cool new site where you can share your PowerPoint slides:

Oh, sorry, I’m not playing the game right, am I?

Turns out if you attack the power structures of the Web you’ll get more links than if you just share cool new sites and link to them.


What do I know, I’m just a tired old A-list jerk…

Thanks to Hugh Macleod for the cartoon.

62 thoughts on “Does being on TechMeme improve your sex life?

  1. I didn’t know that getting on Techmeme can improve sex life. Tell Gabe that if linking to Techmeme can improve my love life, I’ll start a new blog today. Ha ha..

    So how was your radio interview in between Godaddy? Did they give out any unexpected gadgets?

    I didn’t know you post cartoon. I’ll draw you something to post when I find a funny story to tell. A picture worth thousands of words.

    Robert is falling in love with? Wiki!


  2. I didn’t know that getting on Techmeme can improve sex life. Tell Gabe that if linking to Techmeme can improve my love life, I’ll start a new blog today. Ha ha..

    So how was your radio interview in between Godaddy? Did they give out any unexpected gadgets?

    I didn’t know you post cartoon. I’ll draw you something to post when I find a funny story to tell. A picture worth thousands of words.

    Robert is falling in love with? Wiki!


  3. Bess: I’ve certainly done the rounds of Wiki companies in the past few weeks.

    The interview was fun. Not sure anyone was listening, though. TWiT still is the high water mark for real people telling me they heard me after I was on.

    You never know where your next love will come. I know of a few couples who met through blogs/Google.


  4. Bess: I’ve certainly done the rounds of Wiki companies in the past few weeks.

    The interview was fun. Not sure anyone was listening, though. TWiT still is the high water mark for real people telling me they heard me after I was on.

    You never know where your next love will come. I know of a few couples who met through blogs/Google.


  5. I think saying TechMeme baby while having sex will definitely impact your sex life. What do you think?
    How about saying “who’s your TechMeme” or “TechMeme again”? Maybe … “feeling a little randy baby … TechMeme”. #:P


  6. I think saying TechMeme baby while having sex will definitely impact your sex life. What do you think?
    How about saying “who’s your TechMeme” or “TechMeme again”? Maybe … “feeling a little randy baby … TechMeme”. #:P


  7. Here’s how you change TechMeme for the better. Ignore it.

    Eventually, it, Digg, and all the other circlejerk sites go away, and instead of deciding your news source based on digital handjobs from the blogging literati, you start doing so based on actual content. I looked at Digg one time, and realized everything on it was the same. Three lines from the blog and pages of trolling and flaming. Feh. When did High School become people’s lifetime behavior model?

    Between TechMeme, Digg, and Winer acting like he somehow created the “river” concept, the entire “blogosphere” is due to collapse, and if I could find a way to accelerate it, I surely would.


  8. Here’s how you change TechMeme for the better. Ignore it.

    Eventually, it, Digg, and all the other circlejerk sites go away, and instead of deciding your news source based on digital handjobs from the blogging literati, you start doing so based on actual content. I looked at Digg one time, and realized everything on it was the same. Three lines from the blog and pages of trolling and flaming. Feh. When did High School become people’s lifetime behavior model?

    Between TechMeme, Digg, and Winer acting like he somehow created the “river” concept, the entire “blogosphere” is due to collapse, and if I could find a way to accelerate it, I surely would.


  9. For grabbing a quick snapshot of what’s happening in Web 2.0 at any given moment, Techmeme works brilliantly.

    Hey, and guess what? That’s all it was meant to do.

    To give it any more power over your life than that is frankly pathetic.


  10. For grabbing a quick snapshot of what’s happening in Web 2.0 at any given moment, Techmeme works brilliantly.

    Hey, and guess what? That’s all it was meant to do.

    To give it any more power over your life than that is frankly pathetic.


  11. Hey Robert: Impatica does some great stuff with Power Point too (your reference to SlideShare). Speaking of memes (a play on techmeme)– I have heard equal bitching about the web 2.0 meme. I don’t have the time to visit many places and bitch for attention. But let’s get real, we need some shorthand language to define what the web is doing for all of us including lining our pockets!! How can anybody complain about two little numbers? Brace yourself 3.0 and 4.0 are coming. If software and platforms can define new iterations this way, why not trends?? Even Alvin Toffler wrote, “the third wave”.


  12. Hey Robert: Impatica does some great stuff with Power Point too (your reference to SlideShare). Speaking of memes (a play on techmeme)– I have heard equal bitching about the web 2.0 meme. I don’t have the time to visit many places and bitch for attention. But let’s get real, we need some shorthand language to define what the web is doing for all of us including lining our pockets!! How can anybody complain about two little numbers? Brace yourself 3.0 and 4.0 are coming. If software and platforms can define new iterations this way, why not trends?? Even Alvin Toffler wrote, “the third wave”.


  13. Actually some of us who were beating this drum DO link to unknown bloggers. BentCorner’s one I found reporting about Walmart and their Nazi Shirts, linked and blogged about that (just one example).

    My point to the whole Techmeme issue is that it becomes a bit slow when it relies soley on the A-Listers and it limits itself in discovering other places that are cracking these new stories even before the A-Listers.

    Not dissing you or anyone else on that A-List – I’m avid readers of most of you (you and Rubel are probably my top two). I just found it ironic that Gabe was saying the way to get on Techmeme was to link to it, I really don’t see that happening all that often with the A-Listers appearing there – so why the special treatment.

    Ahhh well, it is what it is, it’s Gabe’s site and he can find the news he sees fit. I just questioned about finding more a variety through finding these smaller bloggers. 🙂

    Thanks for this post Robert, gives me another way to look at this subject.


  14. Actually some of us who were beating this drum DO link to unknown bloggers. BentCorner’s one I found reporting about Walmart and their Nazi Shirts, linked and blogged about that (just one example).

    My point to the whole Techmeme issue is that it becomes a bit slow when it relies soley on the A-Listers and it limits itself in discovering other places that are cracking these new stories even before the A-Listers.

    Not dissing you or anyone else on that A-List – I’m avid readers of most of you (you and Rubel are probably my top two). I just found it ironic that Gabe was saying the way to get on Techmeme was to link to it, I really don’t see that happening all that often with the A-Listers appearing there – so why the special treatment.

    Ahhh well, it is what it is, it’s Gabe’s site and he can find the news he sees fit. I just questioned about finding more a variety through finding these smaller bloggers. 🙂

    Thanks for this post Robert, gives me another way to look at this subject.


  15. Hey Robert,
    This is Rashmi (one of the Slideshare founders). Thanks for the link!

    I think TechMeme does what it is supposed to do: reflect the structure of the blogosphere and highlight some of the most linked to and talked about stuff. There should be more sites like TechMeme using different algorithms, and different starting points.


  16. Hey Robert,
    This is Rashmi (one of the Slideshare founders). Thanks for the link!

    I think TechMeme does what it is supposed to do: reflect the structure of the blogosphere and highlight some of the most linked to and talked about stuff. There should be more sites like TechMeme using different algorithms, and different starting points.


  17. Hey what is wron with a little infectious viral memetic DNA trasfer between friends? But family members? Not cool. Take it out of the family.


  18. Hey what is wron with a little infectious viral memetic DNA trasfer between friends? But family members? Not cool. Take it out of the family.


  19. Li: TechMeme’s purpose in life is to filter to us only the most important stuff on the blogosphere. By requiring you to have a level of traffic before you get onto TechMeme, Gabe is insuring that only good stuff gets through.

    I love TechMeme BECAUSE of its elitism.

    If you are a new blogger and you are regularly breaking news and you aren’t on TechMeme yet, heck, just post here in comments and we’ll notice you sooner or later and you’ll get the traffic.


  20. Li: TechMeme’s purpose in life is to filter to us only the most important stuff on the blogosphere. By requiring you to have a level of traffic before you get onto TechMeme, Gabe is insuring that only good stuff gets through.

    I love TechMeme BECAUSE of its elitism.

    If you are a new blogger and you are regularly breaking news and you aren’t on TechMeme yet, heck, just post here in comments and we’ll notice you sooner or later and you’ll get the traffic.


  21. Jim: you saying I can’t link to Maryam? Heheh. She gives me backrubs and helps me do ScobleShow. Least I can do is link to her.


  22. Jim: you saying I can’t link to Maryam? Heheh. She gives me backrubs and helps me do ScobleShow. Least I can do is link to her.


  23. I love reading TechMeme because it keeps me current. But it’s a playground for the A-list, and “just keep linking” doesn’t really acknowledge this. Do you really think the complainers aren’t linking to quality stuff? I don’t think that’s it. Gabe’s post didn’t help matters, at least in giving any hope that anything but A-list links will help.

    To the point in your headline, I’m not sure what people believe will happen if their post gets on TechMeme. It’s nice to be noticed, but in my experience it doesn’t generate all that much traffic. I’ve had a small number of stories on TechMeme. I’ve had a many more stories on Slashdot or the front page of Digg, and the traffic is no comparison. TechMeme is not a blip compared to Slashdot, a good Digging or a BoingBoing link.

    I like the advice of “post in ym comments and you’ll get on TechMeme.” Do you think it works? Let’s find out!


  24. I love reading TechMeme because it keeps me current. But it’s a playground for the A-list, and “just keep linking” doesn’t really acknowledge this. Do you really think the complainers aren’t linking to quality stuff? I don’t think that’s it. Gabe’s post didn’t help matters, at least in giving any hope that anything but A-list links will help.

    To the point in your headline, I’m not sure what people believe will happen if their post gets on TechMeme. It’s nice to be noticed, but in my experience it doesn’t generate all that much traffic. I’ve had a small number of stories on TechMeme. I’ve had a many more stories on Slashdot or the front page of Digg, and the traffic is no comparison. TechMeme is not a blip compared to Slashdot, a good Digging or a BoingBoing link.

    I like the advice of “post in ym comments and you’ll get on TechMeme.” Do you think it works? Let’s find out!


  25. >>Do you really think the complainers aren’t linking to quality stuff?

    Yes, I do think that. I read their blogs and I notice that a lot of them don’t link a whole lot to other people.

    The thing is one link does not make a blog, but it all helps.

    I agree with you about the traffic, though. Digg and Slashdot definitely bring more.

    But the TechMeme audience is more influential.


  26. >>Do you really think the complainers aren’t linking to quality stuff?

    Yes, I do think that. I read their blogs and I notice that a lot of them don’t link a whole lot to other people.

    The thing is one link does not make a blog, but it all helps.

    I agree with you about the traffic, though. Digg and Slashdot definitely bring more.

    But the TechMeme audience is more influential.


  27. But, I still want to see an example of a great blog that isn’t getting on TechMeme. Can you supply me with one?

    If one exists, I’d sure like to know about it. I’ll bet it gets on TechMeme within a week. The thing is, I don’t think it exists. So, to say that TechMeme is only for “A listers” is disingenuous, unless you can supply an example of a blog that consistently publishes great stuff that isn’t getting on there.


  28. But, I still want to see an example of a great blog that isn’t getting on TechMeme. Can you supply me with one?

    If one exists, I’d sure like to know about it. I’ll bet it gets on TechMeme within a week. The thing is, I don’t think it exists. So, to say that TechMeme is only for “A listers” is disingenuous, unless you can supply an example of a blog that consistently publishes great stuff that isn’t getting on there.


  29. Hey Robert – thanks for taking the time to respond back, that’s actually the main reason why I love reading your blog. 🙂

    I agree in part with what you say, you do have valid points. However like I pointed out, it’s not really about bitching about the A-Listers, more about what seems to be favoritisms. And I fully understand and I’m adult enough to realize why it happens – it’s all part of the way the world works. 🙂

    Was trying to point out that Gabe could possibly get breaking news faster if he did consider some smaller bloggers. Of course he’s got to look at some factors – how long has it been up, how often do they post, etc.

    Its all cool though we as bloggers all have differing opinions, and that’s what makes this a great forum. I’ll definitely keep it in mind about posting here -just didn’t want to be rude! 🙂 Techmeme has picked up Search Marketing Gurus though, which is cool.

    Maybe a small tip – you should see if you have more pull (than lil’ ole me) in getting an interview w/ Weird Al Yankovic. Here’s a guy reinventing his whole career through our medium, just wrote up something about him


  30. Hey Robert – thanks for taking the time to respond back, that’s actually the main reason why I love reading your blog. 🙂

    I agree in part with what you say, you do have valid points. However like I pointed out, it’s not really about bitching about the A-Listers, more about what seems to be favoritisms. And I fully understand and I’m adult enough to realize why it happens – it’s all part of the way the world works. 🙂

    Was trying to point out that Gabe could possibly get breaking news faster if he did consider some smaller bloggers. Of course he’s got to look at some factors – how long has it been up, how often do they post, etc.

    Its all cool though we as bloggers all have differing opinions, and that’s what makes this a great forum. I’ll definitely keep it in mind about posting here -just didn’t want to be rude! 🙂 Techmeme has picked up Search Marketing Gurus though, which is cool.

    Maybe a small tip – you should see if you have more pull (than lil’ ole me) in getting an interview w/ Weird Al Yankovic. Here’s a guy reinventing his whole career through our medium, just wrote up something about him


  31. It seems to me that a large part of any blog’s traffic comes from the conversation it makes around. If you start commenting and replying to other bloggers, you might actually get the chance to go up in the charts. If not, you are doomed, techmeme or not…


  32. It seems to me that a large part of any blog’s traffic comes from the conversation it makes around. If you start commenting and replying to other bloggers, you might actually get the chance to go up in the charts. If not, you are doomed, techmeme or not…


  33. Tell Gabe that linking to smaller blogs can improve his love life.

    True. Consider Hurricane Katrina Disaster. Smaller blog break news with photos before reporters do. Would it apply to tech news?

    Big companies with resources and network to invite A-listers to attend their Press Conference. What about other unknown companies don’t have PR agency, PR Consultant, or any resources to reach out to A-listers.


  34. Tell Gabe that linking to smaller blogs can improve his love life.

    True. Consider Hurricane Katrina Disaster. Smaller blog break news with photos before reporters do. Would it apply to tech news?

    Big companies with resources and network to invite A-listers to attend their Press Conference. What about other unknown companies don’t have PR agency, PR Consultant, or any resources to reach out to A-listers.


  35. Robert: I just love to tease you. You are not the only one falling in love with wiki. I have been playing with Wiki for many months. I just can’t leave Wiki alone.

    I just missed you by a few hours and a few blocks that day. I was in Palo Alto doing a podcasting recording on a Wiki, a less known but a very sexy wiki to someone like me who love gadgets.

    Back to some interesting discussion.

    Isn’t blogging the wrong place to look for love? You ‘ll get admirers, fans or jerks on blogs. Oh I forgot those PR firms trying so hard to get your attention.

    I am attempted to start a blog more or less due to the fact that I am out from hiding and leading a tech org.

    Next love? A lot smarter love. Love without traveling! Ha ha.


  36. Robert: I just love to tease you. You are not the only one falling in love with wiki. I have been playing with Wiki for many months. I just can’t leave Wiki alone.

    I just missed you by a few hours and a few blocks that day. I was in Palo Alto doing a podcasting recording on a Wiki, a less known but a very sexy wiki to someone like me who love gadgets.

    Back to some interesting discussion.

    Isn’t blogging the wrong place to look for love? You ‘ll get admirers, fans or jerks on blogs. Oh I forgot those PR firms trying so hard to get your attention.

    I am attempted to start a blog more or less due to the fact that I am out from hiding and leading a tech org.

    Next love? A lot smarter love. Love without traveling! Ha ha.


  37. I must be one heck of an accidental tourist because I came across you & Hugh by pure chance.

    I was hip to the A-list & didn’t even know it, huh?


  38. I must be one heck of an accidental tourist because I came across you & Hugh by pure chance.

    I was hip to the A-list & didn’t even know it, huh?


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