4Info, searching with your cell phone (and more)

I liked Zaw Thet, CEO at 4Info. He gave me an interesting demo and interview of what his company is enabling on cell phones. USA Today is including their service on the front pages of its sports sections so you can get scores. Pretty cool stuff and makes sense in a world where more and more people are getting cell phones and Blackberries with keyboards.

With their latest platform you can even get blogs on your phone. Video demo here.

DisclosePerPost is my policy

Damn, the PayPerPost PR machine continues to pull me in. Yes, all the negative PR about it makes it more interesting as a business.

It’s like some kind of virus has gotten into the blogosphere. It’s all over TechMeme right now.

Anyway, I don’t think PayPerPost’s disclosure policy goes far enough. Having a global disclosure policy is a start, but in the world of search engines and aggregation sites and feed readers we need a DisclosePerPost policy.

What’s so hard about putting a disclosure on each post? Something like:

DISCLOSURE: My sponsor, Seagate, sponsored this post. Read all about their new encrypted hard drive over at Google News.

I like Andrew Bourland’s idea, though, for how I could make a lot of money. Instead of selling a post he recommends selling my whole blog. He thinks he could get me $25,000. Hmmm.

In response to Shelley Powers, AOL hasn’t offered to do anything for me. But, I agree with Shelley. I should just sponsor Shelley’s blog. I like her photography and her books on JavaScript rock.

I wasn’t paid to say that (and, don’t take my word on it, get a second opinion, but you’ll find that most people agree with me about her photo and JavaScript skills).

Does not getting paid make my endorsement more or less likely to be believed or acted on?

Anyway, my disclosure policy? If I take money to say something I will disclose IN MY POST where I write about them. That way if you find my post over on Technorati or Sphere you’ll know about my biases even if you never visit my blog.

I still think PayPerPost is brilliant. Instead of paying some SEO expert thousands of dollars you can just hire PayPerPost to do a better job for far less money (a link from a blogger, particularly if you get that blogger to use the right keywords when they link is worth FAR more than any link farm or other “black hat SEO” techniques and is far less likely to get your company removed from Yahoo or Google or Live.com). Just remember folks, that $20 you took to write about a company is helping them move up the result set in Google/Yahoo/Live. So, when search gets “noisier” you know who to blame.

Anti-disclosure. Seagate didn’t really pay me to post about that here. They got this post for free cause I really appreciate their sponsorship of ScobleShow.

Second Life sees inflation?

Eric Rice (the guy who gave me my first tour of Second Life) is reporting that Linden Labs is raising prices inside Second Life and that customers are unhappy with what’s been going on. People have asked me what I’ve done lately with Second Life. I really haven’t gone back in since I found out I couldn’t break the rules and let my son play with me inside Second Life.