Why I said “mugnormous” the other day

[podtech content=http://media1.podtech.net/media/2007/12/PID_013160/Podtech_SmugMug.flv&postURL=http://www.podtech.net/home/4694/smugmug-brings-us-mugnormous-photos-and-videos&totalTime=2841000&breadcrumb=0b174cc5d5af4cfd9be5db7f0e7083bf]

TechCrunch has the skinny behind the new SmugMug. I’ll have a video up soon (hopefully today, although since I’m in London might be next week sometime) that shows off this new UI. It’s stunning and puts SmugMug squarely at the front of the photo sharing sites.

Actually, I got it wrong. SmugMug calls it “SmugMungous.” Wait until you see the demo going across two 30-inch monitors. The UI here BLOWS AWAY all the other photo sharing sites. Hopefully more Web 2.0 companies will follow their lead and build scalable UI’s.

Oh, and they have a new iPhone version out too.

UPDATE: Here’s the video, which is a tour of SmugMug where we see a bunch of stuff. The demo of the new SmugMug starts at about 11:42.

12 thoughts on “Why I said “mugnormous” the other day

  1. Smugmug can have the greatest UI in the world, but that won’t put their new service out there ahead of Flickr. What Flickr has is mindshare and community. Feature wise, sites like Zooomr are every bit as good as Flickr (although weaker in certain areas, they do have some neat features that Flickr doesn’t) but it can’t gain any traction against the monster that is Flickr. Oh yeah, and my friends aren’t there.

    Kinda like Facebook. I like Facebook because my actual real-world friends are on there. I could use something like Virb which slays it as far as UI and doesn’t have all the annoying apps that really serve no function anyway, but then I’d be the sound of one hand clapping.

    I wish the Smugmug guys all the best. The regular service never really worked for me, so hopefully they up their game and do well.


  2. Smugmug can have the greatest UI in the world, but that won’t put their new service out there ahead of Flickr. What Flickr has is mindshare and community. Feature wise, sites like Zooomr are every bit as good as Flickr (although weaker in certain areas, they do have some neat features that Flickr doesn’t) but it can’t gain any traction against the monster that is Flickr. Oh yeah, and my friends aren’t there.

    Kinda like Facebook. I like Facebook because my actual real-world friends are on there. I could use something like Virb which slays it as far as UI and doesn’t have all the annoying apps that really serve no function anyway, but then I’d be the sound of one hand clapping.

    I wish the Smugmug guys all the best. The regular service never really worked for me, so hopefully they up their game and do well.


  3. Just to be clear – we’re not really interested in social networking and a big global community like Flickr has and does a fabulous job with.

    There are a lot of people in the world, and some of them have no interest in their photos and life being out in the open for all to see. Those are our customers – the ones who just want to share with their small circle of friends and family and who care a great deal about how their photos look.

    We don’t consider ourselves to be a competitor to Flickr. Anyone who uses our products would have to agree – we only compete in the very broadest definition of photo sharing: they show photos in a web browser and so do we.

    @Robert: We all loved your new name for our product – Mugnormous. We hadn’t even thought of it, and thought it was fabulous. 🙂


  4. Just to be clear – we’re not really interested in social networking and a big global community like Flickr has and does a fabulous job with.

    There are a lot of people in the world, and some of them have no interest in their photos and life being out in the open for all to see. Those are our customers – the ones who just want to share with their small circle of friends and family and who care a great deal about how their photos look.

    We don’t consider ourselves to be a competitor to Flickr. Anyone who uses our products would have to agree – we only compete in the very broadest definition of photo sharing: they show photos in a web browser and so do we.

    @Robert: We all loved your new name for our product – Mugnormous. We hadn’t even thought of it, and thought it was fabulous. 🙂


  5. Hey Scoble — hope things are going well with you and the family.

    Be aware that Picasaweb has been doing live resizing to screen resolution since it launched. This *is* an impressive feature but it isn’t completely unheard of.

    (Picasa will downsize photos to 1600×1200 by default when uploading, so you have to specify that you want to upload originals to get the most out of this)



  6. Hey Scoble — hope things are going well with you and the family.

    Be aware that Picasaweb has been doing live resizing to screen resolution since it launched. This *is* an impressive feature but it isn’t completely unheard of.

    (Picasa will downsize photos to 1600×1200 by default when uploading, so you have to specify that you want to upload originals to get the most out of this)



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