Off to London…

See ya from London. Photowalking on Friday evening is something I’m looking forward to. Posting will be light until the 14th when we get back. Although “light” for me doesn’t mean much. I’ll have London’s wifi zones scoped out within a few minutes of arrival. 🙂

Seriously this should be an interesting trip. Milan (our 10 week old son) is going with us. Anyway, have fun and see you on the other side of the pond.

26 thoughts on “Off to London…

  1. Ooh, I’m going to be so close by at my own geek lunch that day.

    (Take an umbrella, by the way. It’s forecast for rain until about January.)


  2. Ooh, I’m going to be so close by at my own geek lunch that day.

    (Take an umbrella, by the way. It’s forecast for rain until about January.)


  3. If you could map out those wifi spots that would help the rest of us here who have troubles finding them…. 🙂


  4. If you could map out those wifi spots that would help the rest of us here who have troubles finding them…. 🙂


  5. Patrick: we’ll be missing you. See you on Twitter! But I’ll be going to Europe three more times in the next two months so we’ll get you along one of these times. Especially now that you have a passport.


  6. Patrick: we’ll be missing you. See you on Twitter! But I’ll be going to Europe three more times in the next two months so we’ll get you along one of these times. Especially now that you have a passport.


  7. Remember London is not representative of the UK!! If you have time, get out into the sticks and enjoy (and yes, its not stopped raining all week so waterproof clothing *is* mandatory 😉


  8. Remember London is not representative of the UK!! If you have time, get out into the sticks and enjoy (and yes, its not stopped raining all week so waterproof clothing *is* mandatory 😉


  9. 10 weeks is a good age for intergallactic baby travel. Actually, anytime before about 6 months is usually pretty good, and then it goes down hill for years (very unpredictably). At that age he will sleep most of the time. Took my son to London from SF when he was about 4 months old, and he was a dream (and I got to dream). Next trip to London 4 months later was a ride through hell. Enjoy it;-)


  10. 10 weeks is a good age for intergallactic baby travel. Actually, anytime before about 6 months is usually pretty good, and then it goes down hill for years (very unpredictably). At that age he will sleep most of the time. Took my son to London from SF when he was about 4 months old, and he was a dream (and I got to dream). Next trip to London 4 months later was a ride through hell. Enjoy it;-)


  11. Have a great time, Robert! Was thinking of joining you, Hugh and the lot tomorrow night for the pub crawl, but if this weather sticks, I’ll chicken out and stay up in Cambridge.

    And Patrick – Enjoy the UK when you do get the opportunity to come over, and remember there’s a lot more to see than just London!


  12. Have a great time, Robert! Was thinking of joining you, Hugh and the lot tomorrow night for the pub crawl, but if this weather sticks, I’ll chicken out and stay up in Cambridge.

    And Patrick – Enjoy the UK when you do get the opportunity to come over, and remember there’s a lot more to see than just London!


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