Who has the most clicky audiences? Valleywag or FSJ?

Valleywag yesterday begged its readers to click on a link to me so that it could beat Fake Steve Jobs for the title of “most clicky audience.” So, I thought I’d post my referer log to show you who is sending the most hits. FSJ is still 7x more clicky. Too bad Nick Denton! 🙂

Today's stats from Scobleizer.com

36 thoughts on “Who has the most clicky audiences? Valleywag or FSJ?

  1. Does it not show that valleybag readers know Scoble and does not want to click to know about him.. Rather than like Fake Steve Jobs readers who dont know about Scoble..

    I do remember ur earlier posts wanting readers who understand technology rather than others.. by that account, is it not valley bag readers who come are more valuable.. 🙂


  2. Does it not show that valleybag readers know Scoble and does not want to click to know about him.. Rather than like Fake Steve Jobs readers who dont know about Scoble..

    I do remember ur earlier posts wanting readers who understand technology rather than others.. by that account, is it not valley bag readers who come are more valuable.. 🙂


  3. Does it not show that valleybag readers know Scoble and does not want to click to know about him.. Rather than like Fake Steve Jobs readers who dont know about Scoble..

    I do remember ur earlier posts wanting readers who understand technology rather than others.. by that account, is it not valley bag readers who come are more valuable.. 🙂


  4. Robin: I seriously doubt many people read Valleywag. They say they have hundreds of thousands of readers, but this particular post only had about 400 views on it, and of those, about 130 clicked on the link. I’ve been on Valleywag more than 20 times this year and that matches the kind of traffic I’ve seen on other posts, too.

    Fake Steve Jobs has WAY more traffic, in my experiences (and those of others, too). Not that it matters anyway.


  5. Robin: I seriously doubt many people read Valleywag. They say they have hundreds of thousands of readers, but this particular post only had about 400 views on it, and of those, about 130 clicked on the link. I’ve been on Valleywag more than 20 times this year and that matches the kind of traffic I’ve seen on other posts, too.

    Fake Steve Jobs has WAY more traffic, in my experiences (and those of others, too). Not that it matters anyway.


  6. Robin: I seriously doubt many people read Valleywag. They say they have hundreds of thousands of readers, but this particular post only had about 400 views on it, and of those, about 130 clicked on the link. I’ve been on Valleywag more than 20 times this year and that matches the kind of traffic I’ve seen on other posts, too.

    Fake Steve Jobs has WAY more traffic, in my experiences (and those of others, too). Not that it matters anyway.


  7. Long live XP. The Mac still sick?

    Valleywag, never read it until today. I wonder if you’ll send them more traffic then they send you?


  8. Long live XP. The Mac still sick?

    Valleywag, never read it until today. I wonder if you’ll send them more traffic then they send you?


  9. Long live XP. The Mac still sick?

    Valleywag, never read it until today. I wonder if you’ll send them more traffic then they send you?


  10. When I click the JPG of your refferer log it takes me to Flickr and then I can’t actually read the log. What’s the point of posting a JPG we can’t read? Or are you just trying to keep it from being read?


  11. When I click the JPG of your refferer log it takes me to Flickr and then I can’t actually read the log. What’s the point of posting a JPG we can’t read? Or are you just trying to keep it from being read?


  12. When I click the JPG of your refferer log it takes me to Flickr and then I can’t actually read the log. What’s the point of posting a JPG we can’t read? Or are you just trying to keep it from being read?


  13. Web stats and lies. But I do know that most Valleywag readers would rather impale themselves on a hot-dog metal stick than link to your site, most are tired of the Scoble soap-operas.


  14. Web stats and lies. But I do know that most Valleywag readers would rather impale themselves on a hot-dog metal stick than link to your site, most are tired of the Scoble soap-operas.


  15. Web stats and lies. But I do know that most Valleywag readers would rather impale themselves on a hot-dog metal stick than link to your site, most are tired of the Scoble soap-operas.


  16. And Denton open’s his stat’s…

    You sure like to smash the hornet’s nest for no reason whatsoever, eh?


  17. And Denton open’s his stat’s…

    You sure like to smash the hornet’s nest for no reason whatsoever, eh?


  18. And Denton open’s his stat’s…

    You sure like to smash the hornet’s nest for no reason whatsoever, eh?


  19. Christopher: bullshit. My friends are seeing the exact same behavior. And most posts on Valleywag only have a few hundred readers according to those very open stats. Where do these 100,000 daily visitors go?

    And, yes, I enjoy watching the bees swarm. I’ve figured out that this particular swarm has no stingers so are fairly harmless.

    Oh, and thanks for sticking up for Denton. Someone has to cause his real talent always seems to leave.


  20. Christopher: bullshit. My friends are seeing the exact same behavior. And most posts on Valleywag only have a few hundred readers according to those very open stats. Where do these 100,000 daily visitors go?

    And, yes, I enjoy watching the bees swarm. I’ve figured out that this particular swarm has no stingers so are fairly harmless.

    Oh, and thanks for sticking up for Denton. Someone has to cause his real talent always seems to leave.


  21. Christopher: bullshit. My friends are seeing the exact same behavior. And most posts on Valleywag only have a few hundred readers according to those very open stats. Where do these 100,000 daily visitors go?

    And, yes, I enjoy watching the bees swarm. I’ve figured out that this particular swarm has no stingers so are fairly harmless.

    Oh, and thanks for sticking up for Denton. Someone has to cause his real talent always seems to leave.


  22. We added feeds to both Valleywag and and FSJ (and Scobleizer!) and Techmeme, TechCrunch, Digg, Boing Boing, Mashable!, ReadWriteWeb, Ars Techina, Gizmodo, Endagadget, All Things Digital and GigaOm Network (Hope not too promotional, Scobelizer is (after Techmeme and Techcrunch) my first read daily.


  23. We added feeds to both Valleywag and and FSJ (and Scobleizer!) and Techmeme, TechCrunch, Digg, Boing Boing, Mashable!, ReadWriteWeb, Ars Techina, Gizmodo, Endagadget, All Things Digital and GigaOm Network (Hope not too promotional, Scobelizer is (after Techmeme and Techcrunch) my first read daily.


  24. We added feeds to both Valleywag and and FSJ (and Scobleizer!) and Techmeme, TechCrunch, Digg, Boing Boing, Mashable!, ReadWriteWeb, Ars Techina, Gizmodo, Endagadget, All Things Digital and GigaOm Network (Hope not too promotional, Scobelizer is (after Techmeme and Techcrunch) my first read daily.


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