Interview about Google Gears

Here’s Bret Taylor on my new video camera talking about Google’s Gears. He manages developer products at Google and we have a seven minute conversation about Google Gear, the new developer API that lets Web developers build offline applications.

Why did I put this up on Because I used my new Sanyo Xacti video camera and am experimenting. This is a little shaky, sorry about that.

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Zoho (and Sun Microsystems) saves the day for Zooomr

Thomas Hawk and Kristopher Tate are in the Zoho datacenter. You can watch them here. Sun Microsystems also is sending over a loaner server with 42 terabytes of storage. All to help Zooomr get back up and running. Thomas Hawk left a long comment with an update on Zooomr’s situation. Don’t know who Zoho is? I interviewed them a couple weeks ago and their evangelist, Raju, is the one who’s helping Zooomr out.

Sometimes Silicon Valley bums me out with all the greed and talk about getting great valuations and all that. It’s nice to see companies help get customer data back up and live.