Zooomr’s longest week

For those who have been watching, Zooomr (photosharing site that’s done by one 19-year-old) has been down all week. I visited Kristopher Tate and CEO Thomas Hawk on Friday and I could tell that it was a long week that wasn’t close to being over yet.

But now Kristopher’s mood is getting better. You can watch him live and talk with a bunch of other fans. Will it come up today? Will Zooomr’s longest week end?

Oh, and really great move to competitor Yahoo/Flickr who sent over a Pizza last week.

Why did it take so long? They had a machine die as they were starting the move over to the new system. Plus a bunch of data that didn’t move smoothly to their new database. When I visited him on Friday there was nothing he could do except wait for machines to work.

On the other hand, Tony Hung over at Deep Jive Interests notes how loyal Zooomr’s users are.

To me, though, it points out why you need SOME funding behind you. If you’re going to turn on tons of new features you need to have a parallel set of servers where you can play around with, test things out, and then switch things over to. Kristopher told me on Friday that they, indeed, are looking for funding. The new feature set that they showed my cameras might just be the ticket to getting that. Kristopher is indeed brilliant, but needs help building up a team to take Zooomr worldwide.

What is the new feature set’s strongest feature? It’s been localized to a bunch of different langauges (its fastest-growing set of users aren’t in America because of that). Kristopher taught himself Japanese and lived in Japan for a while, so that understanding of Asian languages and cultures has already proved beneficial to Zooomr.

But now he needs to gas up, hire a team so that there’s not another long, sleepless week, and so he can buy the servers this service deserves.

I wonder, though, whether there’ll be someone out there who’ll fund this because the space is already pretty darn competitive? I have a feeling that because of Photobucket’s sale for $250 million to MySpace that there’ll be someone willing to bet on Kristopher. What do you think?

UPDATE: Kristopher just said he’ll probably have his new version up later tonight. Me? I’m keeping my fingers crossed for him.

Flickr Ticker and more from the feeds

Back home, had a fun weekend in Tahoe (mostly driving to and from, truth be told) but I haven’t touched a computer since Saturday. Came back to find 3,103 comment spams. Gotta talk with Matt Mullenweg about that. Deleting them took quite a while because WordPress doesn’t like dealing with 3,100 spams all at once, so you gotta delete them in chunks. It’s quite possible I deleted some legitimate posts too, sorry about that. Oh, and those were only the ones being held for me to moderate. Akismet blocked more than 9,000 other comment spams too.

Anyway, I just got done reading my feeds and found a few goodies (these highlights are all on my link blog too — there’s tons more over on my link blog):

1. Flickr Ticker. A cool screen saver that runs in your browser and looks like the screen saver on Apple TV, of Flickr’s most interesting photographs. Who said amateurs can’t create beautiful images?
2. Vecosys says that 192.com is a lot better than Google Maps for images of London.
3. Google’s slow-moving commute busses get called evil. Slow moving things should NEVER be in the left lane. I hate that.
4. Nicole Simon interviews a bunch of speakers/organizers of the Reboot conference (one of the best in Europe). I’m listening to Thomas Madsen-Mygal as I type this. I love how I can learn from conferences I can’t attend this year thanks to Nicole.
5. Alan Reiter takes his Nokia N95 to the Vietnam Memorial in Washington D.C. and gets some moving images and a review of the N95. I want a N95 … are we witnessing the death of pocket cameras?

There’s a ton of other good posts too. Anyway, hope you’re having a good Monday.