Martin Nisenholtz guides NYT into video

I’m sitting in the keynote at the Streaming Media East conference listening to Martin Nisenholtz, publisher of the New York Times. This guy gets it. He understands the Web, how it works, and he’s guiding his team into delivering video. Interesting that he has the same problems I have at PodTech: getting video out — editors are going to be in demand. He’s giving reporters video cameras and letting them experiment. “We have nothing to lose,” he says, pointing out that the NYT is trying to avoid the innovator’s dillema by experimenting in a new area where they don’t have much expertise.

Nisenholtz was one of the first newspaper publishers to understand RSS. I’ll watch a lot more of the NYT’s videos from now on, and let you know if they do something really great (the clips that Martin showed here demonstrated that they are doing some really great work, but I haven’t followed it enough yet).

Oh, and it’s interesting to compare Martin’s approach to bloggers and compare that to other journalists who take potshots at bloggers. It’s clear that Martin is reading lots of bloggers and is learning from us and integrating what he sees working into his own organization.

I love business leaders who look outside their own organizations for inspiration. I certainly understand why Martin is a leader at one of the most important media organizations in the world.