Praise for JavaFX

Adrian Sutton saw I invited everyone to the Marriott and showed up. He’s a Java-using developer from Australia and was visiting for the JavaOne conference last week. Actually he’s a senior software engineer at Ephox. I love Twitter and it always amazes me when people show up because they see me Twittering about something.

Anyway, he told Tom and I that he was very impressed with JavaFX and what he saw at JavaOne this week. Although he doesn’t think JavaFX is a Flash killer. He thinks it is something else, but something that software developers will find useful.

Funny, I was wearing a Microsoft Silverlight hat that Jeff Sandquist gave me. On the elevator on the way down some guy gave me a dirty look and pulled out a Java hat and put it on. Ahh, this is how geek religions are displayed and fought.

The guy was John Penrose, principal architect in the enterprise group at Cablevision. After we had a laugh about the hat we talked briefly. He said he was very impressed with JavaFX and said the demos were absolutely killer, especially the mobile ones.

Reading the blog’s reactions to JavaFX (on Google’s blog search) (and same search on Technorati) it seems most of them are very positive. How about you? What do you think?

Cool shirt

Apple store employee Arnold just came up to me. Said “cool shirt.”

What does my shirt say? “Wearing my Twitter shirt.”

Heck, Twitter gets me respect at the Apple store.

Aside: I almost posted his Twitter address but I’d probably get him fired cause Apple PR is so uptight about such things.

Tom and I are going to the Marriott to enjoy the fireworks show. You’re welcome to join us. Top floor!

What will Steve Jobs kill next?

Let’s see.

Apple II? Didn’t have switches on the front.
Macintosh? No tape drive. No cursor keys.
Next? No disk drive.
iMac? No floppy drive.
iPod? No on/off button.
iPhone? No keyboard.

Where did I get this from? Tom Conrad, CTO of Pandora. He used to work at Apple. He tells me he asks himself what he should remove from his products to make them simpler. One thing he did on Pandora? Made the UI much smaller than a typical Web page. People asked him to add features. He said “they don’t fit.”

He thinks Twitter is successful because it got rid of a ton of features — he compared it to Google’s Dodgeball, which had more features but not as much buzz.

What feature will Steve Jobs kill next? How about you, which feature are you getting rid of to make your product/service/store/business simpler?