Juniper suing trolls

Jeremiah Owyang, the blogger who works at Hitachi Datasystems, told me about this yesterday during lunch. Juniper Networks is suing anonymous users who allegedly defamed Juniper in a Web forum. He points to the relevant sources.

This just seems a really great way to draw more attention to the trolls. I would never have paid attention to them, but now I’m reading all about them and the Juniper lawsuit.

16 thoughts on “Juniper suing trolls

  1. Comic: it’s pretty clear from my comment above that I think this kind of legal action is pretty stupid.


  2. Comic: yeah, this kind of legal action is stupid as Scoble says. But check your local nuisance laws. In the future, I can see those being applied to the internet and web sites being able to get restraining orders against users that abuse their sites. It’s the same idea as somebody vandalizing a retail store and harassing your customers. You should have a legal right to force them to leave.

    Basically, their freedom of speech wouldn’t be hampered by being forced to say their spiel elsewhere.


  3. Comic: yeah, this kind of legal action is stupid as Scoble says. But check your local nuisance laws. In the future, I can see those being applied to the internet and web sites being able to get restraining orders against users that abuse their sites. It’s the same idea as somebody vandalizing a retail store and harassing your customers. You should have a legal right to force them to leave.

    Basically, their freedom of speech wouldn’t be hampered by being forced to say their spiel elsewhere.


  4. Update: I just read the post Scoble linked to. Silly me assumed this was going on on Juniper’s own site. It isn’t, so my talk of restraining orders is a bit off topic. Now that I see what’s going on, it sounds like an even worse idea than before.


  5. Update: I just read the post Scoble linked to. Silly me assumed this was going on on Juniper’s own site. It isn’t, so my talk of restraining orders is a bit off topic. Now that I see what’s going on, it sounds like an even worse idea than before.


  6. Quite the irony for someone who once called ‘conversations’ a Mudpit. I do notice you dropped that. 😉 Then again, as I have found with the “security disclosure policies”, bloggers don’t think in terms of irony. But ironic all the same.

    But yes, in terms of bad publicity, they just heaped tons more on themselves. Every flop of a movie, wants to be “controversial”. Marilyn Manson, according to the gossip trades, informs protest groups ahead of time (giving them the wherewithal time to plan a campaign against and get in the media) and when that won’t do, he hires his own protesters.

    But this is the worst move, Juniper could make. Only attracts the wrong type of attention. I do notice how the ‘troll’ term is swung around, that in itself is a strategy to dismiss. Label it, easy to wholesale dismiss the substance. A tactic, rather common to Techie Lefties, who are used to being worshipped.

    The media does this all the time, calling something a ‘compound’ or a ‘commune’ when the politics change. calling someone ‘looting’ or ‘forging for food’ when the race changes. ‘Statesman’ or ‘Extremist’ when the political leaders change, Replacing ‘Republican’ as ‘Nazi’, heck the NYC media does that all the time. And tho I don’t play the political game, and whence was the last time you ever heard of ‘the Far Left’ or the ‘Religious Left’?

    Use ‘troll’ instead of ‘critic’…


  7. Quite the irony for someone who once called ‘conversations’ a Mudpit. I do notice you dropped that. 😉 Then again, as I have found with the “security disclosure policies”, bloggers don’t think in terms of irony. But ironic all the same.

    But yes, in terms of bad publicity, they just heaped tons more on themselves. Every flop of a movie, wants to be “controversial”. Marilyn Manson, according to the gossip trades, informs protest groups ahead of time (giving them the wherewithal time to plan a campaign against and get in the media) and when that won’t do, he hires his own protesters.

    But this is the worst move, Juniper could make. Only attracts the wrong type of attention. I do notice how the ‘troll’ term is swung around, that in itself is a strategy to dismiss. Label it, easy to wholesale dismiss the substance. A tactic, rather common to Techie Lefties, who are used to being worshipped.

    The media does this all the time, calling something a ‘compound’ or a ‘commune’ when the politics change. calling someone ‘looting’ or ‘forging for food’ when the race changes. ‘Statesman’ or ‘Extremist’ when the political leaders change, Replacing ‘Republican’ as ‘Nazi’, heck the NYC media does that all the time. And tho I don’t play the political game, and whence was the last time you ever heard of ‘the Far Left’ or the ‘Religious Left’?

    Use ‘troll’ instead of ‘critic’…


  8. Ahhh but I have no ego, too much a depressive screenwriter type. Once I hit the Tony Gayton-styled jackpot (or the David Koepp mega-mega-lottery) ok, maybe such will kick in. But swimming with the Hollywood sharks, sure nips at the ego. 🙂


  9. Ahhh but I have no ego, too much a depressive screenwriter type. Once I hit the Tony Gayton-styled jackpot (or the David Koepp mega-mega-lottery) ok, maybe such will kick in. But swimming with the Hollywood sharks, sure nips at the ego. 🙂


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