Blue monster visits Facebook


The artist, Hugh Macleod, who came up with the Blue Monster for Microsoft visited Facebook’s headquarters today and I filmed him. If you haven’t been here for long you might not realize that I love Hugh’s cartoons and have for years.

This is “micromedia.” Very short video.

I loved his thoughts on social objects so today when we went to Facebook I noted that he’s a social object producer and it was interesting that he was visiting the social graph producer.

He ended up saying “Zuckerberg, you just watch out.”

I also have a video of Hugh working his Twitter. Off camera we talked about his thoughts on advertising and its role in decommodifying things.


Oh, NBC’s new Hula video distribution scheme is getting lots of notice over on TechMeme. I don’t know why I mention that here. I put a couple of the best articles on my link blog, but there’s a lot better stuff to read about on my link blog than the HulaHype. Look for the travel API article by ProgrammableWeb, for instance.

12 thoughts on “Blue monster visits Facebook

  1. Off topic:
    Hey Scoble! my first introduction to you was secondhand through Pirillo’s show when he called vowing to never buy an iPhone. My buddy Adam (bestpartyever) suggested I ask you for advice on better monetizing my blog to help pay for my upcoming Nokia N810 giveaway and for CES. Spare time to help another tech blogger?

    post typed on my prerelease N810 tablet!



  2. Off topic:
    Hey Scoble! my first introduction to you was secondhand through Pirillo’s show when he called vowing to never buy an iPhone. My buddy Adam (bestpartyever) suggested I ask you for advice on better monetizing my blog to help pay for my upcoming Nokia N810 giveaway and for CES. Spare time to help another tech blogger?

    post typed on my prerelease N810 tablet!



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