ships new player, new API, new iPhone playback

I just interviewed Daniel Graf, CEO of Kyte just shipped a bunch of new stuff today, including a new player (you’re looking at it now), new API, new iPhone playback and chat, and a new KyteFeed where you can subscribe to other channels. Permalinks to specific shows instead of just the channel. And much more. In this 20-minute conversation Daniel and I explore some of the changes and what they mean. Kyte also now works on any mobile phone.

Sorry for the scratchy audio. I was just using the microphone built into my MacBookPro and it didn’t come out that well.

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Collaborative Chandler revealed

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I’ve been hearing about the Chandler project for years. It’s one of the things that Mitch Kapor funded through the Open Source Applications Foundation. Some people thought it might be an Outlook killer. My friend Ted Leung worked on it and I’ve always wanted to check it out.

A few days ago I got my chance when I was invited over to meet Mimi Yin, project designer, and Katie Capps Parlante, general manager to get a look. They explained to me that Chandler is aimed at small groups who want to work together in a way that email doesn’t afford.

This interview and demo combo is pretty long, but we need that length to get into some depth about this project.

What do you think?

UPDATE: Ted Leung, who works on the project, added a lot more detail onto his blog and reponded to some things he saw on the interview.

Facebook $100 billion?

At the Graphing Social Patterns conference there was a guy who said that Facebook was worth $100 billion. He was properly derided, in my view, by most of the people at the conference.

But, one of his arguments was “would you have said that Google wasn’t going to be worth $100 billion back in 1999?” Yeah, I probably would have said you were smoking good crack if you told me that back then.

Problem is that if you said that back then you would actually have been right.

Now, in eight years will Facebook be worth $100 billion?

Well, let’s go back and study the conditions that caused Google to get there.

1. They shipped a real ad platform that opened up a new kind of advertising: contextual advertising.
2. Search turned out to be one of the best ways to concentrate people with intent to do something together. Think about it. If you search for, say, baby strollers, aren’t you being concentrated into a pool of other people who are looking for baby strollers? That’s what made Google’s ad platform so potent. Does Facebook concentrate people who have intent to do something together? Not as clearly.
3. Microsoft and other major players left them alone. Ballmer admitted to the company employees in a meeting I attended that he had made a mistake by ignoring Google. His belief probably was that Google would never be a $100 million company, much less one with a $194 billion market cap.

So, will these three things happen for Facebook?

No. #3 definitely won’t. Already there are tons of companies jumping into Facebook’s waters.
#2? We don’t yet know if that will play out. I think it might. Many other people who are far smarter than me don’t think so.
#1? Yes, that one will definitely happen.

Translation: I agree with Henry Blodgett (damn, never thought I’d say that) that Mark Zuckerberg should take any money being offered to him at a $15 billion valuation. Yeah, the planets might align for Facebook to get to a higher valuation but there are very real risks that it won’t.

On the other hand, Zuckerberg has turned down such advice to “sell out” before and so far he’s been right. Is he still right? I wouldn’t be making that bet.