Search this: Danny Sullivan on the loose!

Hey, we can all play a game in our Google searches now:

Just query “where in the world is Danny Sullivan?”

He just quit working for Search Engine Strategies and Search Engine Watch.

Danny is a genuinely good guy. I can’t wait to see what he does next. I’ll certainly be searching for it.

6 thoughts on “Search this: Danny Sullivan on the loose!

  1. Robert:

    As always you are very much into what is happening.

    I met with Danny at San Jose and he seemed thoughtful, know I can understand why.

    On another note please help us find Amanda Congdon

    Please check this out



  2. Robert:

    As always you are very much into what is happening.

    I met with Danny at San Jose and he seemed thoughtful, know I can understand why.

    On another note please help us find Amanda Congdon

    Please check this out



  3. Danny was SES, his personality made it successful.

    When I met Danny in NY I told him to visit South West Kerry in Ireland because when I lived there every other person was a Sullivan and they all looked just like him.


  4. Danny was SES, his personality made it successful.

    When I met Danny in NY I told him to visit South West Kerry in Ireland because when I lived there every other person was a Sullivan and they all looked just like him.


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