Can’t get a word in edgewise on this panel…

Damn, what happens when you’re on a panel with Mike Arrington and Jason Calacanis? You have to fight just to find a place to get a word in edgewise! I’ve been getting lots of notes from people who says that this was the best panel at the Graphing Social Media conference. I don’t know about THAT but it was pretty entertaining at parts. Especially when Mike told security to remove a guy who thought Facebook was worth $100 billion.

[podtech content= &totalTime=1701000&breadcrumb=8828452ccd1247adbc9a8610567a3a30]

8 thoughts on “Can’t get a word in edgewise on this panel…

  1. just for the record: Jason Calacanis has stolen my drawing, removed copyright message and placed on his server – it is a fact that I can prove… so be careful Robert when you deal with him.


  2. just for the record: Jason Calacanis has stolen my drawing, removed copyright message and placed on his server – it is a fact that I can prove… so be careful Robert when you deal with him.


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