Dependencies holding up the ScobleShow

I so want to launch my ScobleShow (we all do) but we’re holding out for a relaunch/redesign of PodTech’s site (my show is a small part of that). It’s looking good, but we’re not finished yet. We were aiming at getting the show up today, but it’s pretty clear that isn’t going to happen. Might not even happen this week. The task list for the Web team is long and they are on a death march (were here until 3 a.m. on Saturday morning, which is pretty much the definition of such things).

Anyway, the long and short of it is no ScobleShow today. Predicting launch dates, even at a small company, is an inexact science. My guess right now? A week from now we’ll get my show up. The funny thing is we might get two weeks worth up next week since I’ve been out shooting (doing another interview this afternoon).

Seeya tonight. Gotta go get some tapes.

How to beat Scoble on

I get bored seeing my name on’s home page as its #1 blogger. Why? Cause if I’m #1 it means that really interesting blogs aren’t being done on that service.

Well, today I’m #2. Why? Cause some rich American/space tourist paid a bunch of money to fly to space and is writing about it on her blog.

Congrats to Matt Mullenweg and the other fine folks at Automattic. I love It’s been a great, fast, and consistent service.

Last night I was showing Chris Coulter just how much spam was being blocked by WordPress and Akismet (Matt’s company does both) and he was amazed. Hundreds of pieces of spam in just a little more than an hour.

What do I want now on I’d like to have a lot more control of my templates. I’d like to add components from other Web companies. I’d like to add WordPress extensions. And I’d pay a fee for each of these.

Are you thinking of blogging? What service are you going with?

Two corporate announcements, but what about ROI?

Look at AMD’s Virtual IT Experience and compare it to the video demo Rick Brown did in his office showing off Adobe Acrobat. One took about 15 minutes of Rick’s time to do. One take. No committee meetings. No makeup. No lights. One guy to sneak into the company (I do all the video, audio, and interviewing). But the AMD one probably cost near a million dollars to produce and needed a LOT of Web design time, not to mention studio video shooting, which is very expensive.

I wish I could compare a few things about these two presentations:

1) How many people watched to the end of both? (My theory is that the Acrobat demo was watched to completion by a much higher number of people because it wasn’t so scripted and slick). I turned off the AMD one before even the intro was done. But maybe that’s just me.
2) How many people were convinced to change their minds about these two companies? (My theory is that the Acrobat demo will win here too because Rick doesn’t go into too salesy of a mode, just shows us around the tool and lets us draw our own conclusions).
3) How many recommendations will each get on the Web? Luckily this one I can actually track through Technorati. My theory is that Adobe will win here, too, because the video breaks real news and doesn’t get all slick and hypey.

What do you think? Which approach do you like better? Would you spend the million dollars? Or would you just invite me over with my camcorder for a chat? It sure would be easier to build a company if everyone wanted to spend the million bucks, that’s for sure!

Which one has a better ROI? (Return On Investment?)

Disclaimer: has a business relationship with Adobe, but I was not paid to do this video (I asked PR if I could interview someone on the team and get a demo). PodTech was, however, paid to do a variety of podcasts, which are located in the “Corporate” bar on the PodTech home page. I was on the Acrobat 1.0 beta team back in 1994/95 and thought that a new version of Acrobat is a news story worthy of me covering it without any financial recompense. But, even if Adobe had paid some fee wouldn’t that have still gotten a better result than the AMD effort which probably cost about a million?