Geeks on MIT video blog

The MIT Technology Review’s Emerging Technologies conference is coming up in a couple of weeks. But, they have some nice videoblogs with geeks speakers that are good to check out. I’m watching Stewart Butterfield, founder of Flickr right now.

Is Apple copying Microsoft?

OK, I just watched the Steve Jobs presentation yesterday where he demonstrated iTV for the first time.

Now, do you remember when I met Steve Jobs on a street corner in San Francisco? Remember what he said to me? “Nice to meet the guys who are copying us.” (Us being Apple, since I was there with Dean Hachamovitch, executive at Microsoft, he was saying that Apple leads, Microsoft follows. UPDATE: Dave Winer was also there, I forgot about the irony that Steve copied lots of Dave’s stuff).

Well, Steve, the honor turns out to be mine! Your UI looks an awful lot like Windows Media Center. Almost a total copy. So, who is copying whom? What’s next, a Tablet PC copy?

Here, we can all play this game. Go watch my video, displayed back in April 2006 with the Media Center team and check out the UI. Now, head over to the Steve Jobs presentation and watch the iTV presentation. It starts at about minute 55.

If anyone ever tells me again that Microsoft only copies Apple I’m gonna puke.

UPDATE: if you watch the John Legend concert at the end of the Apple Showtime video you’ll see he has some weird headphones. Hint: they aren’t an Apple product. They are Ultimate Ears headphones. They cost $900. But they are simply the best headphones on the market. Period. Custom designed for your ears. Disclaimer, I got a pair for free last year. Why are they so good? A baby can be screaming in the seat next to me and I can barely hear it.

Google Press Center is useless

Let’s see. Around 11 a.m. this morning Mike Arrington wrote about the Google/Intuit partnership. Now, he was a little bit ahead of the official news, which was announced at 1:30 p.m.

Remember that a few weeks ago I signed up for the Google Press Center’s email list. I figured that would get me early advanced warning about Google’s hottest stories — or at least would get me close to the same information that Mike Arrington is getting.

Well, no.

When did the email arrive? 5:05 p.m. after it was already old news and covered to death on TechMeme. Remember, this is ostensibly a mailing list for journalists to learn what the latest stuff coming out of Google is.

I’ll give it two or three more news stories to see if the performance improves, but if it doesn’t I’m gonna unsubscribe.