Scoble in a suit?

You haven’t seen this before. I’m in a suit for our first show which featured Mark Bernstein, head of the Palo Alto Research Labs (where Microsoft Word and much of what became the original Macintosh was invented). We filmed this live last week. This is the show that’s done by Revision 3 under contract with (we use their studios and their employees do everything).

UPDATE: Revision 3 does the camera work, runs the studio, etc. Shel Israel plans the content and FastCompany does the sales for the show and the management.

If you watched this, what did you think?

We’ll do it again live on Friday at 10 a.m. Pacific Time. This week?

Ishmael Ghalimi. Who is he? Well, he runs the Office 2.0 conference and keeps the definitive list of Office 2.0 apps on the Web. Come and join us, we’ll get interactive, too, and take your questions (if you have any for Ishmael, leave them here).

Crowds predict accurately?

I liked meeting Predictify a lot. They use crowds to predict things, and quite accurately too. Their interview is up on Their site says “don’t just read the news, predict it.”

This is one of those interviews when I expected to really be bored through it yet they kept telling me stuff and showing me stuff that opened my eyes to a new way of interacting with people on blogs and sites. I predict you won’t be bored.