How much video content is too much content?

This week I’ve put up tons of videos. I know there’s no way many of you are watching them all, but we’re living in a Google World. What’s that? It’s a world where there are billions of little buckets. The more buckets you put some content into the more traffic will come your way. So, I’m working my behind off trying to fill up as many of those little buckets (Google search terms) before I kick the bucket.

But, anyway, here’s what we put up this week. Don’t have time? My editor Rocky has picked the best stuff and done some “Editor’s Choice” videos that are nice and short and have just the highlights.

1. Electric Rain. Cool presentation app. Interview/Demo (59 minutes). Editor’s Choice (10 minutes).
2. MeeVee. Search for your favorite TV shows here. Interview (30 minutes). Demo (4 minutes).
3. Jaxtr. Integrate your cell phone into your blog or your MySpace. Interview/demo (30 minutes).
4. Control4. Home automation, save money on heating bills and more. Interview (19 minutes).
5. Domes for the World. Discussion of building low-cost homes in third-world countries. Interview (10 minutes).
6. Share2Me. Send videos and other things to your friends and family. Demo (11 minutes). Interview (11 minutes).
7. Brightroll. New video advertising network for video bloggers and other online video producers. Editor’s Choice (4 minutes). Demo (4 minutes). Interview (24 minutes).
8. PaperModels. Unique business that sells paper models that you print out and build at home. Interview (13 minutes).
9. Adobe Flash. Hear the latest from the Flash team about what’s new in Adobe’s CS3 Suite that shipped this week. Interview/demo (55 minutes).
10. Editor’s Choice from all Adobe Interviews (15 minutes).
11. Adobe Apollo. For developers, building Rich Internet Applications with Adobe’s new Apollo framework. Interview (43 minutes).
12. Adobe Dreamweaver. A look at the new stuff in this popular application for building Web sites. Interview/demo (34 minutes).
13. ClearContext. A great way to organize your email and prioritize it. Interview/demo (18 minutes).

That’s more than five hours of video. Whew. And that’s only on my channel. There’s a lot more stuff on PodTech’s home page as well. I especially like Jennifer Jones’ Marketing Voices.

I still have three weeks worth of videos already recorded, too. So, I’m planning out late May and June now. If you’ve asked to be on my show and haven’t heard back, sorry about that. I’m trying to get back to everyone but I’m getting totally bombarded with emails now that the show is rocking and rolling.

43 thoughts on “How much video content is too much content?

  1. At one point I found myself watching every Channel 9 video. I have to say that I haven’t watched nearly as many since you left MS, but they also don’t seem to churn out as many these days either.

    It’s very easy to get absorbed – it’s another avenue for addiction. It’s like when in the UK they went from having the national lottery on Saturdays only to having it twice a week – everyone felt they had to play their numbers on Wednesdays too for fear of missing out on a win. In can get like that with pod/vidcasts – one can easily worry if watching the editor’s choice means something important is missed.

    It’s also a bit like not watning to miss an episode of a TV show – thank goodness for PVR.

    In the end it’s about letting go of things that aren’t so important…


  2. At one point I found myself watching every Channel 9 video. I have to say that I haven’t watched nearly as many since you left MS, but they also don’t seem to churn out as many these days either.

    It’s very easy to get absorbed – it’s another avenue for addiction. It’s like when in the UK they went from having the national lottery on Saturdays only to having it twice a week – everyone felt they had to play their numbers on Wednesdays too for fear of missing out on a win. In can get like that with pod/vidcasts – one can easily worry if watching the editor’s choice means something important is missed.

    It’s also a bit like not watning to miss an episode of a TV show – thank goodness for PVR.

    In the end it’s about letting go of things that aren’t so important…


  3. At one point I found myself watching every Channel 9 video. I have to say that I haven’t watched nearly as many since you left MS, but they also don’t seem to churn out as many these days either.

    It’s very easy to get absorbed – it’s another avenue for addiction. It’s like when in the UK they went from having the national lottery on Saturdays only to having it twice a week – everyone felt they had to play their numbers on Wednesdays too for fear of missing out on a win. In can get like that with pod/vidcasts – one can easily worry if watching the editor’s choice means something important is missed.

    It’s also a bit like not watning to miss an episode of a TV show – thank goodness for PVR.

    In the end it’s about letting go of things that aren’t so important…


  4. I think you should have an editor’s choice feed for your videos. That way, I can watch the quick 5-10 minute edits and actually get a chance to view your work. Right now, I can’t keep up with all of the 40 min to a hour videos you make.


  5. I think you should have an editor’s choice feed for your videos. That way, I can watch the quick 5-10 minute edits and actually get a chance to view your work. Right now, I can’t keep up with all of the 40 min to a hour videos you make.


  6. I’m really enjoying the “editor’s cuts” that you’ve been posting — I just don’t have time to go through all the long videos. Rocky does a good job of picking out some good clips.

    You might consider adding an early screen with a simple list and timecode —

    1:12 Overview of tool
    2:15 Silly marketing pitch
    3:11 Insightful question
    4:00 Demo with tiny icons

    That would also let me make some choices on what parts of the long form I was interested in.

    Another great thing would be to require each interviewee to give you their “elevator speech” and then put that at the front of the video and in the text description.

    If they don’t have a compelling elevator speech, they shouldn’t get on your show. Send them to me, and I’ll write it for them.


  7. I’m really enjoying the “editor’s cuts” that you’ve been posting — I just don’t have time to go through all the long videos. Rocky does a good job of picking out some good clips.

    You might consider adding an early screen with a simple list and timecode —

    1:12 Overview of tool
    2:15 Silly marketing pitch
    3:11 Insightful question
    4:00 Demo with tiny icons

    That would also let me make some choices on what parts of the long form I was interested in.

    Another great thing would be to require each interviewee to give you their “elevator speech” and then put that at the front of the video and in the text description.

    If they don’t have a compelling elevator speech, they shouldn’t get on your show. Send them to me, and I’ll write it for them.


  8. I’m really enjoying the “editor’s cuts” that you’ve been posting — I just don’t have time to go through all the long videos. Rocky does a good job of picking out some good clips.

    You might consider adding an early screen with a simple list and timecode —

    1:12 Overview of tool
    2:15 Silly marketing pitch
    3:11 Insightful question
    4:00 Demo with tiny icons

    That would also let me make some choices on what parts of the long form I was interested in.

    Another great thing would be to require each interviewee to give you their “elevator speech” and then put that at the front of the video and in the text description.

    If they don’t have a compelling elevator speech, they shouldn’t get on your show. Send them to me, and I’ll write it for them.


  9. Keep on producing, I definitely enjoy watching many of the videos you produce on my Apple TV.

    My workflow for filtering your videos is as follows. I begin by subscribing to all of your videos in Google Reader. When I see a topic that I’m interested in, I tag it as Video. I have set my Video tag folder shared in Google Reader so it generates a feed of only the videos I’m interested in. My iTunes computer is subscribed to this feed and automatically downloads the videos, transferring them to my Apple TV. It works really well, if I see a video topic I’m interested in, I hit the “l” key, label it video and then when I get home it’s downloaded and ready to watch.


  10. Keep on producing, I definitely enjoy watching many of the videos you produce on my Apple TV.

    My workflow for filtering your videos is as follows. I begin by subscribing to all of your videos in Google Reader. When I see a topic that I’m interested in, I tag it as Video. I have set my Video tag folder shared in Google Reader so it generates a feed of only the videos I’m interested in. My iTunes computer is subscribed to this feed and automatically downloads the videos, transferring them to my Apple TV. It works really well, if I see a video topic I’m interested in, I hit the “l” key, label it video and then when I get home it’s downloaded and ready to watch.


  11. Keep on producing, I definitely enjoy watching many of the videos you produce on my Apple TV.

    My workflow for filtering your videos is as follows. I begin by subscribing to all of your videos in Google Reader. When I see a topic that I’m interested in, I tag it as Video. I have set my Video tag folder shared in Google Reader so it generates a feed of only the videos I’m interested in. My iTunes computer is subscribed to this feed and automatically downloads the videos, transferring them to my Apple TV. It works really well, if I see a video topic I’m interested in, I hit the “l” key, label it video and then when I get home it’s downloaded and ready to watch.


  12. They say give a busy man a job! I’d love it if you filmed the Elevator Pitch of each of your interviewees. But that’s just me. Love your work.


  13. They say give a busy man a job! I’d love it if you filmed the Elevator Pitch of each of your interviewees. But that’s just me. Love your work.


  14. Once again, why would anyone sane be willing to spend 5 hours watching these? That’s not just 5 hours, its 5 hours every week or more. Audio versions, perhaps, but even then I wonder… Perhaps there’s something I don’t know about your targeted audience?


  15. Once again, why would anyone sane be willing to spend 5 hours watching these? That’s not just 5 hours, its 5 hours every week or more. Audio versions, perhaps, but even then I wonder… Perhaps there’s something I don’t know about your targeted audience?


  16. Once again, why would anyone sane be willing to spend 5 hours watching these? That’s not just 5 hours, its 5 hours every week or more. Audio versions, perhaps, but even then I wonder… Perhaps there’s something I don’t know about your targeted audience?


  17. Reading is good.

    Podcasts (audio) were good for taking on the road, but sadly, many have switched to producing videos only, because it’s there I guess. Can “smellovision” be far behind?

    Videos are great for demos, and even for slide presentations, if done properly. My favorite, but underused method involves Realplayer slides synced with the audio (I have no idea how these are produced).

    Videos of someone talking, waving his arms all around, particularly when taken at a 45 degree angle… not so good. I find it hard to sit through them.

    It’s also a lot harder to interact with videos, unless as Youtube does, you assume everyone watching also has a webcam on standby ready to respond.

    If we in fact do reach a future where everyone is watching and making videos I bet there will be a lot less reading going on. In such an age, the ability to read will prove a big advantage for those kids still taught to do it properly.


  18. Reading is good.

    Podcasts (audio) were good for taking on the road, but sadly, many have switched to producing videos only, because it’s there I guess. Can “smellovision” be far behind?

    Videos are great for demos, and even for slide presentations, if done properly. My favorite, but underused method involves Realplayer slides synced with the audio (I have no idea how these are produced).

    Videos of someone talking, waving his arms all around, particularly when taken at a 45 degree angle… not so good. I find it hard to sit through them.

    It’s also a lot harder to interact with videos, unless as Youtube does, you assume everyone watching also has a webcam on standby ready to respond.

    If we in fact do reach a future where everyone is watching and making videos I bet there will be a lot less reading going on. In such an age, the ability to read will prove a big advantage for those kids still taught to do it properly.


  19. Reading is good.

    Podcasts (audio) were good for taking on the road, but sadly, many have switched to producing videos only, because it’s there I guess. Can “smellovision” be far behind?

    Videos are great for demos, and even for slide presentations, if done properly. My favorite, but underused method involves Realplayer slides synced with the audio (I have no idea how these are produced).

    Videos of someone talking, waving his arms all around, particularly when taken at a 45 degree angle… not so good. I find it hard to sit through them.

    It’s also a lot harder to interact with videos, unless as Youtube does, you assume everyone watching also has a webcam on standby ready to respond.

    If we in fact do reach a future where everyone is watching and making videos I bet there will be a lot less reading going on. In such an age, the ability to read will prove a big advantage for those kids still taught to do it properly.


  20. I thought “Google World” meant a world where web articles that could be 2 pages are lengthened to 20 pages so as to stuff in as many ads as possible. :p


  21. I thought “Google World” meant a world where web articles that could be 2 pages are lengthened to 20 pages so as to stuff in as many ads as possible. :p


  22. I thought “Google World” meant a world where web articles that could be 2 pages are lengthened to 20 pages so as to stuff in as many ads as possible. :p


  23. Boris: watch the Editor’s Choice videos if you don’t have time.

    Macbeach: I just visited the Photoshop team. I dare you to describe what they showed me in just text. Sometimes text just ain’t the best way to communicate.


  24. Boris: watch the Editor’s Choice videos if you don’t have time.

    Macbeach: I just visited the Photoshop team. I dare you to describe what they showed me in just text. Sometimes text just ain’t the best way to communicate.


  25. Pingback: Iggy Uncensored
  26. Releasing it all in a batch like this is too much – perhaps it would be helpful if you set regular release dates and times and consistently release video each week rather than putting it all up at once. This way you are not expecting too much of your viewers, or overwhelming them and making some (a few, but an important few) feel guilty for not being able to watch it all…


  27. Releasing it all in a batch like this is too much – perhaps it would be helpful if you set regular release dates and times and consistently release video each week rather than putting it all up at once. This way you are not expecting too much of your viewers, or overwhelming them and making some (a few, but an important few) feel guilty for not being able to watch it all…


  28. Chris: we release at least one interview every day. Only five of these came out yesterday. The others were trickled out. But this was definitely a much heavier week than average.


  29. Chris: we release at least one interview every day. Only five of these came out yesterday. The others were trickled out. But this was definitely a much heavier week than average.


  30. For me, I probably watch (to completion) 1 video in 500 in my feeds.

    To put this into perspective, I watch less than 4 hrs of TV a week. OTOH, I read 25% faster than the claims of most speed reading courses. If you can’t be bothered to distill it into text, it has to grab my attention in the first zero seconds (i.e., in the writeup) and keep it every 15-20 seconds thereafter.

    Yes, the bar is set high.

    No, I don’t put video on my site because I can’t reach my own standards.


  31. For me, I probably watch (to completion) 1 video in 500 in my feeds.

    To put this into perspective, I watch less than 4 hrs of TV a week. OTOH, I read 25% faster than the claims of most speed reading courses. If you can’t be bothered to distill it into text, it has to grab my attention in the first zero seconds (i.e., in the writeup) and keep it every 15-20 seconds thereafter.

    Yes, the bar is set high.

    No, I don’t put video on my site because I can’t reach my own standards.


  32. This is the world of Youtube. The target should be 3 minutes and you can post a 10 minute video every so often. Any more than that and ADHD kicks in, we pick up our video games and head stomp an opponent to win cash from the US Army.

    Windows Media Encoder has a time compression function, will chop any section where the audio is quiet for more than 2 seconds. you’d be amazed how much time it saves.


  33. This is the world of Youtube. The target should be 3 minutes and you can post a 10 minute video every so often. Any more than that and ADHD kicks in, we pick up our video games and head stomp an opponent to win cash from the US Army.

    Windows Media Encoder has a time compression function, will chop any section where the audio is quiet for more than 2 seconds. you’d be amazed how much time it saves.


  34. This is the world of Youtube. The target should be 3 minutes and you can post a 10 minute video every so often. Any more than that and ADHD kicks in, we pick up our video games and head stomp an opponent to win cash from the US Army.

    Windows Media Encoder has a time compression function, will chop any section where the audio is quiet for more than 2 seconds. you’d be amazed how much time it saves.


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