I love Flickr…

The images are pouring in by the dozens from today’s Dream Machines event. Steve Jurvetson (famous venture capitalist, he was the VC behind Hotmail, among others) and Jim Louderback (editor in chief of PC Magazine) have both posted images on that tag. Jim had his cute son along today and Thomas Hawk (Zooomr’s CEO) was managing to shoot with one hand and keep his two kids in tow with the other.

Why do I love Flickr? Because of the community of photographers that’s on there. I can quickly figure out a tag to find things and then hundreds of images show up. I just tried Zooomr and Photobucket. Only Flickr has images that come up for “dreammachines.”

Thank you Flickr for bringing me event coverage like this.

What about you? What’s your favorite photosharing site? SmugMug also gets high ratings, but its strength is more in its private groups than in its public sharing. But what do you think?

UPDATE: I do love Thomas Hawk’s Zooomr stream and he says that yesterday’s shoot was his favorite so far.

Bad commute coming tomorrow in Bay Area

Thomas Hawk was a little late for our photowalking today because he thought it was important enough to get pictures of the destroyed 580/Bay Bridge interchange. The commute is going to be really messed up for the next few months. Be warned if you’re coming from the East Bay to Oakland or San Francisco over the Bay Bridge.

Anyway, we had a really great day. We told everyone to use photowalking9 as the tag. I’m sure we’ll see photos by tonight since about a dozen photographers showed up (there were hundreds of people taking pictures, and it seems the most popular tag is “dreammachines” for looking at those). It’s amazing just how much time and money are put into cars, though. Some really stunning cars were on display there.

This B-17 was a real thrill to stand underneath. I met a guy once who got shot down in one of those over Germany and spent the next few years as a prisoner of war.

I’m off to fight the traffic (it’s quite a mess in Half Moon Bay) and drop Patrick off. Then gotta fly to Vegas for the Mix conference. See ya live tomorrow morning at 9 a.m.

Photowalking today, eBay news and Mix tomorrow

At 9 a.m. today we’ll be at the Half Moon Bay airport to see Dream Machines (gates open at 10 a.m., but we’ll get there early cause parking is going to be difficult). Thomas Hawk and several others like Jim Louderback, editor-in-chief of PC Magazine, will be there to film a photowalking. My cell phone is 425-205-1921, give me a call when you show up and we’ll figure out how to join up (2,000 machines will be there, so it’ll be a bit hard to find each other).

Today’s actually a busy one. In addition to doing the Photowalking (I’ll be there until about 1 p.m.) I have to drive Patrick to the Apple store in SF, then home to Petaluma, and then I’ll be taking off for the Mix conference where Microsoft is expected to open source part of its new Silverlight, at least according to InfoWorld. Anyway, hope you understand why I won’t update the link blog or anything else until tomorrow night (although I’m up to date right now, and notice that I’m reading even more feed items than usual — 33,000 in past 30 days according to Google Reader).

Oh, on Monday at 9 a.m. Pacific Time I’ll have some Web 2.0 news from eBay and starting around that time I’ll also be broadcasting live on Ustream.tv with my live video camera — I’ll do that from around 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Mix in the BlogZone there. Come by and say hi and you’ll get on the Internet live.