Here in Cork!

Tom Raftery just took us out for a great dinner. We’ve arrived safely in Cork. How did I recognize Tom? He was the only one with white headphones in the airport. 

Hey, I’m on Channel 9. You can see how we make Channel 9 videos. Ken Levy was the one who filmed that interview and talks more about that filming on his blog.

I gotta go to sleep. Tom has a full day arranged for us tomorrow. Martin Fowler reports that John Vlissides died over the weekend (wrote a great book on software design, Martin says).

Speaking of Tom, he was raving about his podcast interview he just did with Michael Arrington, founder of TechCrunch. It’s a bizarre world I live in. I visit with Micahel often, and now fly around the world to meet Tom who interviewed Michael over the phone. Wacky.

Speaking of podcasts, Jeff Clavier, Silicon Valley VC, says that IT Conversations’ PopTech podcasts are worth a listen.

A quick tour through my feed reading (I read all my feeds on the trip today):

Bilal Haidar says he found a great Website for resources and tools for Internet Information Services (IIS):

Ben Rockwood has a First Person Shooter Roundup.

Phil Wolff, over on Skype Journal, has an excellent Monday reading list, which includes a profile of Niklas, founder of Skype. I saw that in the local papers yesterday.

Performancing takes a look at Firefox Extensions for Bloggers. Kam VedBrat (works at Microsoft) reports that using Firefox on a Tablet PC just got easier.

ActiveWin reports that Paint.NET v 2.5 final release is now available.

Claire Giordano says she’s leaving Sun Microsystems to work for Amazon’s A9 search engine. I hope she keeps her blog going, I always enjoyed it.

Dan Bricklin is on NerdTV.

How did I miss Tabletology? That site is awesome. JKOnTheRun has the details.

Gary Price links to NetLibrary: Over 100,000 digitized and searchable books are available online.

Evan Williams Ten Rules for Web Startups was linked all over the place. It’s most excellent.

Happy Birthday to Renee Blodgett, Silicon Valley’s star PR’er.

26 thoughts on “Here in Cork!

  1. Stefan, I agree fully. A gaming bubble is in the cards…but the fallout has a good consumer kick, games go cheap pretty quick. Wait a few weeks and that $59.99 to $49.99 game is down to the Gamestop $29.99 and then $19.99 bin. Excepting 360 titles which will stay high, and create their own massive bubble.


  2. Stefan, I agree fully. A gaming bubble is in the cards…but the fallout has a good consumer kick, games go cheap pretty quick. Wait a few weeks and that $59.99 to $49.99 game is down to the Gamestop $29.99 and then $19.99 bin. Excepting 360 titles which will stay high, and create their own massive bubble.


  3. I keep missing you wherever you go, I was in Ireland when you were in Paris, now I’m back in France… Were you given a chance to visit the Apple plant in Cork? This is quite the sight. I assume they wouldn’t show you everything (even employees can’t) , but interesting nonetheless.


  4. I keep missing you wherever you go, I was in Ireland when you were in Paris, now I’m back in France… Were you given a chance to visit the Apple plant in Cork? This is quite the sight. I assume they wouldn’t show you everything (even employees can’t) , but interesting nonetheless.


  5. > Aurélien: sorry, no, a trip to the Apple plant isn’t in the cards. We visited the Heineken plant today, though.


  6. > Aurélien: sorry, no, a trip to the Apple plant isn’t in the cards. We visited the Heineken plant today, though.


  7. Look forward to meeting you up in Dublin tomorrow Robert. I also look forward to chatting to you about the next generation feed system that we are developing in the research group I work in.


  8. Look forward to meeting you up in Dublin tomorrow Robert. I also look forward to chatting to you about the next generation feed system that we are developing in the research group I work in.


  9. Talking about white headphones…. I just spent two days at a conference in Chicago where the hotel shortage meant riding the CTA several times between O’Hare and the Loop. This moring my trip hit the main rush hour between 7:30 and 8:30. I swear everybody between 16 and 30 who got on the train was wearing white headphones … one even had a video iPod. Is iPod the new commuter time killer for this demographic? One young lady sat down beside me so I asked her about hers; she could not live without hers….


  10. Talking about white headphones…. I just spent two days at a conference in Chicago where the hotel shortage meant riding the CTA several times between O’Hare and the Loop. This moring my trip hit the main rush hour between 7:30 and 8:30. I swear everybody between 16 and 30 who got on the train was wearing white headphones … one even had a video iPod. Is iPod the new commuter time killer for this demographic? One young lady sat down beside me so I asked her about hers; she could not live without hers….


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