Rackspace goes “Mosso” for developers

Stuff found on table at new Rackspace headquarters

Rob La Gesse is totally becoming a raving lunatic about Rackspace’s new “Mosso” hosting cloud.

This is a company the industry could easily underestimate for a long time. After all, it’s in San Antonio, Texas. What kind of technology ever gets invented in San Antonio, right? (Um, ask this guy, he was Vice President on the team that developed the Intel 8008 chip in the building where Rackspace is currently located, which was the first chip along the line that today is in our computers). Anyway, the point is that because Rackspace isn’t in Seattle or Silicon Valley that it is pretty ignored. It’s a huge mistake for its competitors to make.

Anyway, back to Rackspace and Mosso. Anyone else using it? Are your experiences the same as Rob’s?

Where’s Google and Microsoft in this cloud game in comparison?