Justin.tv gets cool UI

I love the “coverflow” UI that Justin.tv now has. Justin.tv is a live streaming video network. I’m not into watching a lot of streaming video (or doing it myself). I prefer a recorded set of videos ala Kyte.tv. Speaking of which, I’m going to record a video over on my Kyte channel in a few minutes talking about the New York Times article that talked about all the rich whiny people who live in Silicon Valley. See ya in a few.

About Fake Steve

Ahh, Fake Steve is unmasked.

Scott Karp of Publishing 2.0 blog has the best wrapup that I’ve seen so far: “Fake Steve proves that big media companies have the talent in house — they just can’t get out of their own way to experiment with disruptive innovations.”

TechMeme has a bunch of reactions.

My own thoughts? Writing on the Internet while not disclosing who you really are is extremely risky behavior. If I found out one of my employees was doing that it’d really piss me off. John Mackey, CEO of Whole Foods Market, for instance, posted lots of stuff anonymously and I believe he should be fired for doing so.

I will say that the guy who wrote the Fake Steve Jobs’ blog is a brilliant writer. He always made me laugh, even when attacking me personally. I just would never counsel my friends to do such a blog. It’s a very bad idea to do one in an industry that’s getting smaller and smaller every day and that relies on personal relationships so much.

By the way, congrats to the New York Times who wrote well about both of these “fakesters.” It’s real interesting that such stories are broken by journalists, not bloggers. Of course I sorta didn’t want to know who Fake Steve was. Now everytime I deal with someone from Forbes I’m gonna be thinking of Daniel. Sigh.

UPDATE: Rex Hammock reminded me that Daniel Lyons wrote the famous “Attack of the Blogs” article for Forbes.