Best blonde joke causes traffic jam

When I linked to the “best blonde joke ever” I never expected it to become one of the biggest traffic generators I’d ever seen. Yesterday alone 4,713 people visited here because of the joke and the traffic hasn’t seemed to go down.

It got so heavy that Shelley Powers broke the original joke (it used to go on for seemingly forever through blog after blog). Her servers were just seeing an exponentially increasing load so she did something even funnier. She turned the link back to me. So, now I became the joke and it was quite circular. You could count your “blondeness” by how many times you clicked around the circle before you figured it out.

Anyway, here’s a blog that explains a little bit about how the joke evolved.

Full page ad for our book in Fortune

Heh, now whenever I get together with my friends who’ve made a lot of money I can say “well, you might have made a fortune but my book is IN Fortune.”

Buzz Bruggeman called me excited tonight and told me about the ad. Full page in this week’s Fortune Magazine (and I hear it’s in several other magazines as well). I begged Buzz to send me a photo so I could see the ad for myself. He just did.

So, start talking! Er, get Naked! 🙂