Mix06 ads everywhere

They are in Wired magazine in Pittsburgh.
They are on walls near my office.
They are on cars on campus.

So, what’s the big deal? Tim O’Reilly is gonna beat up Bill Gates. That’s what I hear. Seriously, what is an open source advocate (Tim) doing on stage with Mr. Proprietary (Bill)? Hmmm. Maybe they’ll come up with a definition for Web 2.0? We’ll have to see. Hopefully no Web designers or developers will be hurt in the process.

Not interesting enough? We know. But we put up a ton of new info (yes, this is for Web designers and developers) and see that RSS icon? You know what that means, right? More stuff to come! (Tim O’Reilly on stage with Bill Gates isn’t the big news, but we gotta hold the really big stuff until later, which is why we’re doing the RSS feed).

Anyway, looks like the marketing team is going a little bit nuts in trying to get the word out about Mix06. Alright, who told THEM to work until 4 a.m.? 🙂

26 thoughts on “Mix06 ads everywhere

  1. You have info for web designers and developers? You, the people who can’t even write a decent browser? Gimme a break. MS doesn’t know jack about the web and it shows.

    Ship a decent browser (that dog you’ve got in beta isn’t it) and maybe you won’t get laughed out of the market.

    Better yet, admit you have no talent for web browsers like you did with multi-media and spare the users from the ongoing farce.

    I’m sick of working around your junk. How bad is it?

    This guy decided to implement CSS for IE in Javascript himself because he’s fed up too. http://dean.edwards.name/IE7/overview/

    Embarrassed yet? I sure hope so.


  2. You have info for web designers and developers? You, the people who can’t even write a decent browser? Gimme a break. MS doesn’t know jack about the web and it shows.

    Ship a decent browser (that dog you’ve got in beta isn’t it) and maybe you won’t get laughed out of the market.

    Better yet, admit you have no talent for web browsers like you did with multi-media and spare the users from the ongoing farce.

    I’m sick of working around your junk. How bad is it?

    This guy decided to implement CSS for IE in Javascript himself because he’s fed up too. http://dean.edwards.name/IE7/overview/

    Embarrassed yet? I sure hope so.


  3. Indeed, why does it cost $1,000 to attend Mix ’06? Someone is standing to make a ton of dough on our brain cycles. And $225/night for the recommended hotel? That’s a definite deterrent for independent developers with enormous mental capacity like myself. Message to the organizers of Mix ’06: If Mix ’06 is all about conversing with us, why are you charging us so much for the pleasure of sharing our ideas with you?


  4. Indeed, why does it cost $1,000 to attend Mix ’06? Someone is standing to make a ton of dough on our brain cycles. And $225/night for the recommended hotel? That’s a definite deterrent for independent developers with enormous mental capacity like myself. Message to the organizers of Mix ’06: If Mix ’06 is all about conversing with us, why are you charging us so much for the pleasure of sharing our ideas with you?


  5. Scott, Mix 06 isn’t for independent developers like you. It isn’t for web developers like myself who work for a large corporation. It’s for Bubble 2.0 types who have money to burn who want to be told how to burn it. I try to say that without sounding offensive, but sometimes you just have to speak what’s on your mind without sugar coating.

    The web development community is one of the largest and most helpful on the web (we did build it after all). There’s no need for conferences like Mix06 and Web 2.0.


  6. Scott, Mix 06 isn’t for independent developers like you. It isn’t for web developers like myself who work for a large corporation. It’s for Bubble 2.0 types who have money to burn who want to be told how to burn it. I try to say that without sounding offensive, but sometimes you just have to speak what’s on your mind without sugar coating.

    The web development community is one of the largest and most helpful on the web (we did build it after all). There’s no need for conferences like Mix06 and Web 2.0.


  7. Here’s a tip: Start early and have a real plan and agenda with real informative speakers, not just stupid last minute gimmicks and marketing overhype, Web 2.0 phaze-outs doing the burnrate, for chance meeting with Gates? Yeah yeah, sounds lobbyist political styled. But looks like I am not the only cynic, people are starting to catch on. Big stuff? RSS news? IS7? Don’t make me laugh, and quit the teasing, historically with Microsoft launches it is always a let down, always. Things pick up in the third version, member?


  8. Here’s a tip: Start early and have a real plan and agenda with real informative speakers, not just stupid last minute gimmicks and marketing overhype, Web 2.0 phaze-outs doing the burnrate, for chance meeting with Gates? Yeah yeah, sounds lobbyist political styled. But looks like I am not the only cynic, people are starting to catch on. Big stuff? RSS news? IS7? Don’t make me laugh, and quit the teasing, historically with Microsoft launches it is always a let down, always. Things pick up in the third version, member?


  9. It’s for Bubble 2.0 types who have money to burn who want to be told how to burn it. I try to say that without sounding offensive, but sometimes you just have to speak what’s on your mind…

    Yeah, great observation, exactly. And agree on speaking mind. After 3 years of playing good guy and being diplomatically nice with blog and techie geek hype, I just couldn’t take it anymore. 😉


  10. It’s for Bubble 2.0 types who have money to burn who want to be told how to burn it. I try to say that without sounding offensive, but sometimes you just have to speak what’s on your mind…

    Yeah, great observation, exactly. And agree on speaking mind. After 3 years of playing good guy and being diplomatically nice with blog and techie geek hype, I just couldn’t take it anymore. 😉


  11. “Innocent Bystander”, MIX06 is the best opportunity to tell the IE team in-person what you want the future of the web browser. We’re having open discussion with the team, where attendees can raise these kind of issues. We’ll even be featuring some of the people who made the criticisms you link to, and showing some real progress in addressing the issues with CSS, etc.


  12. “Innocent Bystander”, MIX06 is the best opportunity to tell the IE team in-person what you want the future of the web browser. We’re having open discussion with the team, where attendees can raise these kind of issues. We’ll even be featuring some of the people who made the criticisms you link to, and showing some real progress in addressing the issues with CSS, etc.


  13. best opportunity to tell the IE team in-person what you want the future of the web browser.

    Geeesussss. Amazing how you can say that with a straight face. Like people haven’t been TELLING you what they want for the past 4 years, just listen sometime, and now you hafta pay $1,000 and $250 a night, to give Microsoft FEEDBACK?

    You hold conferences to HELP partners make money, earn clients, develop new markets, not to provide bullet-points for your way way late IE development. What gall. Showing some real progress, only to a select narrow audience? How about showing actual RESULTS? How about not playing DOJ political football and going abandonware? Paul is right, IE is a cancer, now you hafta pay $1,000 to tell Microsoft to use chemo.


  14. best opportunity to tell the IE team in-person what you want the future of the web browser.

    Geeesussss. Amazing how you can say that with a straight face. Like people haven’t been TELLING you what they want for the past 4 years, just listen sometime, and now you hafta pay $1,000 and $250 a night, to give Microsoft FEEDBACK?

    You hold conferences to HELP partners make money, earn clients, develop new markets, not to provide bullet-points for your way way late IE development. What gall. Showing some real progress, only to a select narrow audience? How about showing actual RESULTS? How about not playing DOJ political football and going abandonware? Paul is right, IE is a cancer, now you hafta pay $1,000 to tell Microsoft to use chemo.


  15. I have a LONG blog on Mix 06 to which Joshua Allen, one of Robert’s cohorts has already responded.

    I agree that there is a LOT of Bubble 2 interest (Bubble 2 = folks who didn’t make a mint during Bubble One), but I cannot agree that there are many aspects of this conference that are truly Web2.

    As for Web2, I’m blogging a definition on it this week entitled “The Cage of Heaven”.

    Stay tuned.


  16. I have a LONG blog on Mix 06 to which Joshua Allen, one of Robert’s cohorts has already responded.

    I agree that there is a LOT of Bubble 2 interest (Bubble 2 = folks who didn’t make a mint during Bubble One), but I cannot agree that there are many aspects of this conference that are truly Web2.

    As for Web2, I’m blogging a definition on it this week entitled “The Cage of Heaven”.

    Stay tuned.


  17. Having been to the PDC a few times (couldn’t afford it last year) I have to say that these kind of conferences generally represent great value for money. As for the change in direction (Web 2?). We can all see the convergence thats been going on in recent years. To my mind it has accellerated recently (my Xbox is a great addition to my Media Center PC – which is a great addition to my TV and my Mp3 player.

    In terms of new web experiences – XBOX live is right up there, and I am interested, if only from a purely selfish ‘commercial’ basis, to see where that is going. MIX looks to be addressing this and other convergent areas, which is refreshing

    Does anyone not believe that Microsoft is still a Company prepared to take a risk? I for one hope it pays off, both in attendance figures, and in the raw ‘bang for buck’ return for attendees. (God willing I will be one of them).


  18. Having been to the PDC a few times (couldn’t afford it last year) I have to say that these kind of conferences generally represent great value for money. As for the change in direction (Web 2?). We can all see the convergence thats been going on in recent years. To my mind it has accellerated recently (my Xbox is a great addition to my Media Center PC – which is a great addition to my TV and my Mp3 player.

    In terms of new web experiences – XBOX live is right up there, and I am interested, if only from a purely selfish ‘commercial’ basis, to see where that is going. MIX looks to be addressing this and other convergent areas, which is refreshing

    Does anyone not believe that Microsoft is still a Company prepared to take a risk? I for one hope it pays off, both in attendance figures, and in the raw ‘bang for buck’ return for attendees. (God willing I will be one of them).


  19. There’s always the option of staging a free Bar Camp somewhere in town — though there ain’t much time to make it happen (though more time than we planned the original in). Given that the first Bar Camp was planned in 6 days, there is still plenty of time to make it happen.


  20. There’s always the option of staging a free Bar Camp somewhere in town — though there ain’t much time to make it happen (though more time than we planned the original in). Given that the first Bar Camp was planned in 6 days, there is still plenty of time to make it happen.


  21. For those interested in an independent view of what’s going on at Mix ’06 be sure to check out Chris Green’s Mix Blog at http://vnuuk.typepad.com/mix06/. Chris is the Technology Editor for Computing magazine, one of the UK’s most respected IT industry journals.


  22. For those interested in an independent view of what’s going on at Mix ’06 be sure to check out Chris Green’s Mix Blog at http://vnuuk.typepad.com/mix06/. Chris is the Technology Editor for Computing magazine, one of the UK’s most respected IT industry journals.


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