Microsoft Max on Channel 9

I love this team: Microsoft Max. They break a lot of “Microsoft rules.” Starting with their name. It isn’t some boring descriptive name. Meet the team on Channel 9.

The hottest ticket in Silicon Valley

The tickets for the Naked Conversations launch event are now sold out. It took less than two hours to hand them all out.

I have a handful of extras. I think I’ll put them on eBay. Maybe Jeremy Wright can sell them for us? He sold a blog last week for $65,000.

The response to this has just been astounding. Thank you and sorry to those of you who couldn’t get in.

Mix06 ads everywhere

They are in Wired magazine in Pittsburgh.
They are on walls near my office.
They are on cars on campus.

So, what’s the big deal? Tim O’Reilly is gonna beat up Bill Gates. That’s what I hear. Seriously, what is an open source advocate (Tim) doing on stage with Mr. Proprietary (Bill)? Hmmm. Maybe they’ll come up with a definition for Web 2.0? We’ll have to see. Hopefully no Web designers or developers will be hurt in the process.

Not interesting enough? We know. But we put up a ton of new info (yes, this is for Web designers and developers) and see that RSS icon? You know what that means, right? More stuff to come! (Tim O’Reilly on stage with Bill Gates isn’t the big news, but we gotta hold the really big stuff until later, which is why we’re doing the RSS feed).

Anyway, looks like the marketing team is going a little bit nuts in trying to get the word out about Mix06. Alright, who told THEM to work until 4 a.m.? 🙂