Blogher dates announced, my wife goes gushy…

I see the BlogHer conference dates are announced (July 28 and 29 in San Jose). Unfortunately it’s at the same time that the Imagine Cup finals are in India and I was already signed up to go to that. Major bummer. Out of all the conferences I missed last year BlogHer sounded the most interesting. Mostly cause it’s different. Seeing fat white guys talk all the time just gets really boring. Just told Maryam she should go and check out Blogher.

Speaking of Maryam, she went all gushy on me and wrote: In Defense of Geeks or Ten Reasons Why You Should Date a Geek.

She knows me so well. I do worship Maryam. I really miss her. Hanging out with Doc and Buzz is lots of fun, but they aren’t cuddly like Maryam is. Well, at least not in my opinion. Heheh.

Oh, and Maryam, the real test would be which would I look at first? Angelina Jolie in real life or Angelina Jolie on an 102″ plasma screen? I’d go with the plasma.

Shoot me, I’m a geek. 😉

Oh, and Brian, I have had people come up to me saying “you’re married to that famous blogger, aren’t you?”

39 thoughts on “Blogher dates announced, my wife goes gushy…

  1. Well and I was looking forward to having that thing in Seattle! hrmpf. But I guess, we girls will have a pretty time even without you.

    Just make Chris do his Gnomedex around that time before or after with some days of space between and I will be very happy to hop over the pond for both conference 😉


  2. Well and I was looking forward to having that thing in Seattle! hrmpf. But I guess, we girls will have a pretty time even without you.

    Just make Chris do his Gnomedex around that time before or after with some days of space between and I will be very happy to hop over the pond for both conference 😉


  3. Pingback: cruel to be kind
  4. Not meant directly specifc to you, rather a counterpoint, but a fun goofy take-off. Your wife is tops, btw. She can write.

    Indictment of the Geek or Ten Reasons Why You Should Not Date (or Marry) a Geek

    10. The topic range and world-view outlook is rather limited, Cosmopolitan they be not. Fashionized, Wordliness and Hip? Sorry. You got a lump of clay, that plays with electronic toys endlessly.
    9. Communication best done via blog, or email or IM. Geeks put ADD into a whole another universal category. Quality time? Make sure you book it in their Outlook calendar, better yet leave a comment on their blog.
    8. Random 90 hour work weeks, tons of email, and breaking news, geek drop-ins, you will always be second or third place.
    7. They are horrible travelers, not much the adventurous, rather prefer to sit in the hotel lobby with free WiFi. Chronic complainers, and can’t go anywhere without 5 devices.
    6. Always poking around with some stupid gadget. Your fine-dining night out, and said person will hardly grant eye contact.
    5. Things literary, high ideals, outside interests, abstract big concepts, intelligent and well-devised thought processes? Forgetaboutit.
    4. And that social calendar? It’s all the same geeky people. After awhile, it gets tiring, a one-hit-wonder song played into the ground. You will eventually go postal just to get away from those people.
    3. Helping out with housework and such? What? There is a blog, geek news crisis afoot, it can wait. Just 5 more minutes really translates into 5-6 hours later.
    2. Their computers and gadgets are THEIRS. You will need to buy your own. Joint in taxes, not in devices. They don’t know the meaning of the word ‘share’. Also has a habit of extending into other areas.
    1. Finances? You better mind them, they won’t. Expect the random big gadget purchase, to replace this month’s mortgage bill. Never ending lust-cycle, always a new toy.


  5. Not meant directly specifc to you, rather a counterpoint, but a fun goofy take-off. Your wife is tops, btw. She can write.

    Indictment of the Geek or Ten Reasons Why You Should Not Date (or Marry) a Geek

    10. The topic range and world-view outlook is rather limited, Cosmopolitan they be not. Fashionized, Wordliness and Hip? Sorry. You got a lump of clay, that plays with electronic toys endlessly.
    9. Communication best done via blog, or email or IM. Geeks put ADD into a whole another universal category. Quality time? Make sure you book it in their Outlook calendar, better yet leave a comment on their blog.
    8. Random 90 hour work weeks, tons of email, and breaking news, geek drop-ins, you will always be second or third place.
    7. They are horrible travelers, not much the adventurous, rather prefer to sit in the hotel lobby with free WiFi. Chronic complainers, and can’t go anywhere without 5 devices.
    6. Always poking around with some stupid gadget. Your fine-dining night out, and said person will hardly grant eye contact.
    5. Things literary, high ideals, outside interests, abstract big concepts, intelligent and well-devised thought processes? Forgetaboutit.
    4. And that social calendar? It’s all the same geeky people. After awhile, it gets tiring, a one-hit-wonder song played into the ground. You will eventually go postal just to get away from those people.
    3. Helping out with housework and such? What? There is a blog, geek news crisis afoot, it can wait. Just 5 more minutes really translates into 5-6 hours later.
    2. Their computers and gadgets are THEIRS. You will need to buy your own. Joint in taxes, not in devices. They don’t know the meaning of the word ‘share’. Also has a habit of extending into other areas.
    1. Finances? You better mind them, they won’t. Expect the random big gadget purchase, to replace this month’s mortgage bill. Never ending lust-cycle, always a new toy.


  6. Well, a geek couple I met recently quarreled a little bit. Her comment after that? “well, he will explain it in an email later. he always does”.

    This might sound strange, but in a way okay for me. If I can write it in an email because I am highly uncomfortable with saying it, the choice is not between “finally learn how to overcome this” or nothing but with a way to slowly get comfortable with speaking about it. For some this might sound like a step back, I think it is 10 steps forward.


  7. Well, a geek couple I met recently quarreled a little bit. Her comment after that? “well, he will explain it in an email later. he always does”.

    This might sound strange, but in a way okay for me. If I can write it in an email because I am highly uncomfortable with saying it, the choice is not between “finally learn how to overcome this” or nothing but with a way to slowly get comfortable with speaking about it. For some this might sound like a step back, I think it is 10 steps forward.


  8. Face it Rob, the real reason you like Angelina on a 102″ screen is cuz if you turn the plasma sideways, it’s way more woman for you than in real life. Especially if it’s a closeup shot of her (think the new Burger King commercial). On top of that, you can feel the love from a plasma.

    And any geek knows… 102″ of plasma love is pure heaven (even it is only $45k).


  9. Face it Rob, the real reason you like Angelina on a 102″ screen is cuz if you turn the plasma sideways, it’s way more woman for you than in real life. Especially if it’s a closeup shot of her (think the new Burger King commercial). On top of that, you can feel the love from a plasma.

    And any geek knows… 102″ of plasma love is pure heaven (even it is only $45k).


  10. I’m sure if you put up enough, it would be. Everything has that price. I bet if Gates saw that 102″ and went ooo… and grabbed his checkbook, Samsung wouldn’t say “No, Mr. Gates, you can’t have one.” *laugh* But who knows. In any case, I’m sure at some point the rest of us will be able to actually afford it without having to sell off our organs on the black market to pay for it.


  11. I’m sure if you put up enough, it would be. Everything has that price. I bet if Gates saw that 102″ and went ooo… and grabbed his checkbook, Samsung wouldn’t say “No, Mr. Gates, you can’t have one.” *laugh* But who knows. In any case, I’m sure at some point the rest of us will be able to actually afford it without having to sell off our organs on the black market to pay for it.


  12. Maryam’s post sounds about right. At MS’s CIO conference here in Pittsburgh last year, Antwaan Randle El (NCAA record setting QB at Indiana and Steelers wide receiver) was the closing speaker. Two door prizes were 1) Change to meet Antwaan and get his autograph, or 2) Voq A11 Smartphone. I looked at my coworkers (both women) and said I must be a geek, I’d rather have the cell phone. This from a guy whose ringtone is the theme for Monday Night Football, living in a city that worships the Steelers like demigods. And I won the phone, too!


  13. Maryam’s post sounds about right. At MS’s CIO conference here in Pittsburgh last year, Antwaan Randle El (NCAA record setting QB at Indiana and Steelers wide receiver) was the closing speaker. Two door prizes were 1) Change to meet Antwaan and get his autograph, or 2) Voq A11 Smartphone. I looked at my coworkers (both women) and said I must be a geek, I’d rather have the cell phone. This from a guy whose ringtone is the theme for Monday Night Football, living in a city that worships the Steelers like demigods. And I won the phone, too!


  14. yeah that’s it, further divide the sexes by having places to blog for him and her! ;-O

    damn, I better be careful, my wife might be looking over my shoulder, and not get the joke! 😉


  15. yeah that’s it, further divide the sexes by having places to blog for him and her! ;-O

    damn, I better be careful, my wife might be looking over my shoulder, and not get the joke! 😉


  16. You guys need to get over plasma. Plasma is not ubergeek, plasma is uberlame for those that have too much money and not enough sense.

    You are much better off getting a Runco 3 chip DLP projector with a good line doubler. Costs a lot less than even the 80″ plasma and has much better resolution.

    And if you really want a thin display, then wait for SEDS to come out in a year or so.

    For most people on a budget, rear projection CRT is still the most viable HDTV technology right now.


  17. You guys need to get over plasma. Plasma is not ubergeek, plasma is uberlame for those that have too much money and not enough sense.

    You are much better off getting a Runco 3 chip DLP projector with a good line doubler. Costs a lot less than even the 80″ plasma and has much better resolution.

    And if you really want a thin display, then wait for SEDS to come out in a year or so.

    For most people on a budget, rear projection CRT is still the most viable HDTV technology right now.


  18. Alex,

    I concur on DLP. In this day and age, there’s no reason to settle for a display technology that’s still susceptible to image burning.


  19. Alex,

    I concur on DLP. In this day and age, there’s no reason to settle for a display technology that’s still susceptible to image burning.


  20. A geek named Robert walks into a room. On one side of the room he sees his lovely wife Maryam. She’s sitting at her fireplace with a come hither stare and a nice glass of Scotch.

    On the other side is a 105″ plasma screen and a laptop begging to be used for blogging.

    If he goes to Maryam, he lives a happy satisfied life.

    If he goes to the other (geek side perhaps?) side, he gets fame, fortune and the pleasure of gazing onto a 105″ screen, but he only gets to enjoy all of it for 5 minutes before he’s misteriously struck down by a bolt of lightning.

    Hmm…which would he choose?

    Ahh, the question for the ages…Schrodinger’s Geek


  21. A geek named Robert walks into a room. On one side of the room he sees his lovely wife Maryam. She’s sitting at her fireplace with a come hither stare and a nice glass of Scotch.

    On the other side is a 105″ plasma screen and a laptop begging to be used for blogging.

    If he goes to Maryam, he lives a happy satisfied life.

    If he goes to the other (geek side perhaps?) side, he gets fame, fortune and the pleasure of gazing onto a 105″ screen, but he only gets to enjoy all of it for 5 minutes before he’s misteriously struck down by a bolt of lightning.

    Hmm…which would he choose?

    Ahh, the question for the ages…Schrodinger’s Geek


  22. Alex: sorry, I totally disagree. Now that I’ve been able to see hundreds of screens right next to each other I simply do not find DLP acceptable. Whenever the camera pans DLPs look blurry. I don’t like that effect. The Samsung guy says that about 20% of people see what they call the “Rainbow effect”. Plasma is MUCH better for people playing video games, too.

    And, to burn in a Plasma screen you’d need to leave the same image up on it for thousands of hours. Yes, thousands.

    Now, I don’t watch TV that much.

    But, if I left my screen on 24-hours a day, I’d go for LCD.


  23. Alex: sorry, I totally disagree. Now that I’ve been able to see hundreds of screens right next to each other I simply do not find DLP acceptable. Whenever the camera pans DLPs look blurry. I don’t like that effect. The Samsung guy says that about 20% of people see what they call the “Rainbow effect”. Plasma is MUCH better for people playing video games, too.

    And, to burn in a Plasma screen you’d need to leave the same image up on it for thousands of hours. Yes, thousands.

    Now, I don’t watch TV that much.

    But, if I left my screen on 24-hours a day, I’d go for LCD.


  24. Rainbow effect is only in one chip DLP systems. I’m talking about the $20k 3 chip DLP systems from Runco.

    You won’t see rainbow there. These are for high end home theaters. For those people who know that Plasma is crap.

    I’ve seen plasma and it’s grainy as hell on the low end, plus it can’t do blacks like CRT can.

    SEDS can do it all though, but still has the disadvantage of burn in (it’s essentially millions of little CRTs after all).


  25. Rainbow effect is only in one chip DLP systems. I’m talking about the $20k 3 chip DLP systems from Runco.

    You won’t see rainbow there. These are for high end home theaters. For those people who know that Plasma is crap.

    I’ve seen plasma and it’s grainy as hell on the low end, plus it can’t do blacks like CRT can.

    SEDS can do it all though, but still has the disadvantage of burn in (it’s essentially millions of little CRTs after all).


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    CUSTOMER SERVICE…………….234+29260963.


  27. Panasonic TH-42PHD8UK 42″ HD Plasma
    Display on sale for a low $,1500.99 with free shipping included.

    for contact email…

    Sharp Aquos LC-20B4U-S 20” LCD TV
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    Price Range: $250.95

    Dell W3706MC 37″ HD ready LCD TV
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    Samsung PPM42M5 42 in. Plasma Television
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    Relisys RP42AB30 42 in. EDTV-Ready Plasma Television
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    Pioneer PDP-436XDE 43 in. HDTV-Ready Plasma Television
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    DellTM 5100MP Projector
    Weighs just 3.72Kg and measures 330mm x 115mm x 261mm in size
    Native SXGA+ (1400 x 1050) resolution, with auto synchronization up to UXGA (1600 x 1200)
    € 2,000

    Samsung LE-40R51 40 in. LCD Television
    LCD, 40 inch Display, Resolution: 1366 x 768 pixels, 500 cd/m² Brightness, 3,000:1 Contrast Ratio See full specs

    Panasonic TH-42PV500 42 in. Plasma Television
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    Toshiba 37WLT58 37 in. LCD Television
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    Hitachi 42PD7200 42 in. HDTV-Ready Plasma Television
    Plasma, 42 inch Display, HRead 3 Epinions reviews
    LCD, 32 inch Display, HDTV-Ready, Resolution: 1366 x 768 pixels See full specs
    £919 – £1,632

    Sharp LC-37P50E 37 in. LCD Television
    LCD, 37 inch Display, Resolution: 1366 x 768 pixels, 450 cd/m² Brightness, 800:1 Contrast Ratio See full specs
    £700 – £1
    £780 – £1,050

    Samsung LE-26R41B 26 in.
    HDTV-Ready LCD Televisios,

    Pioneer PDP-436XDE 43 in.
    Plasma, 43 inch Display, HDTV-Ready, Resolution: 1024 x 768 pixels, 1100 cd/m² Brightness, 3,000:1 Contrast Ratio See full specs
    CUSTOMER SERVICE…………….234+29260963.


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