The future of ScobleShow?

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I’ve been thinking a lot about my future, which is one reason I’ve slowed down my posting, Twittering, reading, and all that. The other reason being this cute kid who keeps smiling at me which is a lot more fun than being online.

Anyway, one technology that really impressed me is Mogulus, a company that lets you do your own streaming video show from your bedroom if you want (competes with and, but has a lot more features that serious TV stations will want). Mogulus is the company that streamed the NewTeeVee conference. Right after that conference Mogulus’ CEO, Max Haot, came to my house to show me how they did it. If you’re wanting to see the future of TV, this is it so far and Max goes into depth about the whole process and sets up a TV studio in Patrick’s (my 13-year-old son) bedroom.

Is this the future of ScobleShow? Hmmm, Chris Pirillo better watch out! 🙂

25 thoughts on “The future of ScobleShow?

  1. Their use of YouTube breaks the terms of service for YoutTube. Mogulus strips the videos off of YouTube and encodes them to run off the Mogulus Server. YouTube’s terms of service say that the content is only allowed to be streamed from their servers. Does this open all the videos stripped from YouTube as acts of Copyright Infringement? The video uploader gave YouTube the right to broadcast the content. Mogulus is basically stealing the content and each producer/user is streaming it. Can the producers/users be held liable for Copyright Infringement or is Mogulus at fault since it resides on their servers? What do you think?!?!


  2. Their use of YouTube breaks the terms of service for YoutTube. Mogulus strips the videos off of YouTube and encodes them to run off the Mogulus Server. YouTube’s terms of service say that the content is only allowed to be streamed from their servers. Does this open all the videos stripped from YouTube as acts of Copyright Infringement? The video uploader gave YouTube the right to broadcast the content. Mogulus is basically stealing the content and each producer/user is streaming it. Can the producers/users be held liable for Copyright Infringement or is Mogulus at fault since it resides on their servers? What do you think?!?!


  3. Aaron: I don’t deny I’m thinking of my future after February 1, 2008. I’m still talking with PodTech about that future, by the way and have no decided either way yet.


  4. Aaron: I don’t deny I’m thinking of my future after February 1, 2008. I’m still talking with PodTech about that future, by the way and have no decided either way yet.


  5. Andrew: I saw somewhere in either this video or the one robert did before (I’m pretty sure) where Mogulus made some sort of deal with YouTube. So if they have some contract….


  6. Andrew: I saw somewhere in either this video or the one robert did before (I’m pretty sure) where Mogulus made some sort of deal with YouTube. So if they have some contract….


  7. Wow, this makes things very very interesting in the new media space! This makes the playing field a lot more even. There are endless possibilites for this product. Must work great in countries like South Korea or Japan.


  8. Wow, this makes things very very interesting in the new media space! This makes the playing field a lot more even. There are endless possibilites for this product. Must work great in countries like South Korea or Japan.


  9. I think Mogulus can be lots of different things–I was able to create a two-camera setup, using my MacbookPro camera and my DV camera, one running in a firefox window and the other in a safari window at the same time–It slows down both feeds a little bit, but I can now switch between two live shots without needing two different computers–for a little bit of visual variety.


  10. I think Mogulus can be lots of different things–I was able to create a two-camera setup, using my MacbookPro camera and my DV camera, one running in a firefox window and the other in a safari window at the same time–It slows down both feeds a little bit, but I can now switch between two live shots without needing two different computers–for a little bit of visual variety.


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