Vic hosts first Google CampFireOne

More details on Open Social was just released here.

In the video here is Vic Gundotra, vice president at Google, who gave a little talk to developers last night — they demo how to build an Open Social application. Vic told me last week that he’s planning a whole raft of CampFires where they’ll bring out a bunch of new developer-focused technologies.

UPDATE: In this video a raft of developers show off what they’ve built on top of Open Social.

Vic is the guy who hired me at Microsoft and it’s fun to watch him build a developer network at Google now.

Some things I’d like to see in future CampFires?

1. Do the videos live and streaming.
2. Open up the discussion to microblogging tools like Twitter and Pownce. Today I brought people into the Google press conference via Twitter and it really rocked. Here’s reactions from around the web from Rob Lagesse. From James D. Kirk. From Jay Meattle, who calls Twitter the next generation of journalism. From ZDNet’s Michael Krigsman, who called this “the hidden OpenSocial press conference.”

15 thoughts on “Vic hosts first Google CampFireOne

  1. The big thing to watch is where OpenSocial finally ends up. It is, clearly, still a work in progress — despite much of the press that makes it seem like it is 100% out in the wild with everything from widgets to containers being used.

    Recently, I blogged about some of the much larger, Internet-wide, impact that could result from Google’s OpenSocial.

    You can read more about it here…

    And, Enjoy!

    Jeremy Horn
    The Product Guy


  2. The big thing to watch is where OpenSocial finally ends up. It is, clearly, still a work in progress — despite much of the press that makes it seem like it is 100% out in the wild with everything from widgets to containers being used.

    Recently, I blogged about some of the much larger, Internet-wide, impact that could result from Google’s OpenSocial.

    You can read more about it here…

    And, Enjoy!

    Jeremy Horn
    The Product Guy


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