Let’s make Chrono Tron #1

Chrono Tron is moving up fast on WordPress.com (he's the #2 blog there out of thousands of blogs — WordPress is seeing more than 1,000 new blogs everyday started).

So, click on his link and you'll help him get into the #1 spot.

OK, that's a little funny, but seriously he (I assume it's a he) is a fun tech blog to read. I hope this helps more techies to start blogging. You can get noticed and move up the list.

Have you started a new tech blog in the past year? Leave your URL here so we can check you out. I haven't seen many good code blogs, by the way.

Coding Horror is one that stands out in my aggregator. Any other great code blogs?

Lots of speaking today, thanks to my friends

Whew, lots of speaking this morning. Talked with the Seattle Chamber of Commerce already, am meeting with information officers from all sorts of government branches in 20 minutes, talking at Amazon around noon.

What's interesting about speaking is what you learn. I love talking with business people who are trying to learn how to make their businesses work better. People are still trying to figure out how search engines work and how that's disrupting their businesses. There were lots of scribbling when Shel and I talked about search engine optimization.

On another topic. I've been getting some very nice emails and phone calls from you all. I got one from Dave Sifry, founder of Technorati, today that's going to keep a smile on my face for days. I won't tell you what he said, but this journey has been quite remarkable.

It's the relationships that are magical. It's the small things in life. It's getting more people onto the Web and into using technology to connect with other people who care about what they care about. It's about listening. I haven't done enough of that. I'm gonna listen to Dave's voice mail again. And again. And again. Anytime I need a smile.

We need more smiles. Hope you have one today.