Does chat have a future? Leah Culver thinks so

I used to really be into chat rooms, but since blogging, twittering, and Facebooking came along I found it just wasn’t that interesting to me anymore. There were better, and more focused ways, to talk with people about things I cared about.

But Leah Culver thinks she can build a future for chat with her new company, Convore, and fix some of the sins that older chat systems have. Funny, the engineers at Rackspace love IRC too, just like she does. But that’s pretty geeky. Can she get the rest of us to join in?

Based on the new people who are inviting me into Convore chat rooms it definitely has a chance.

4 thoughts on “Does chat have a future? Leah Culver thinks so

  1. Convore is way cooler than I thought it would be. It was awesome at the just-past Code Conf to have channels for each talk. And Leah is really cool too. I missed getting the shirt, got the sticker and a bottle opener. Booyah.


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