Cool interactive video tech from Veeple

I always play around with innovative video technology to see what’s appropriate for me to use. Here’s the original article we ran over on Building43 about Veeple’s interactive video technology, and here you can see the technology in use, click on things in the video to make things happen! (If you are reading this on Google Buzz or somewhere else in an RSS reader you will probably have to visit my blog at to see this demo — iPad version not available yet).


In the crowded field of online video, very few platforms can offer true interactivity. One that can is Veeple, a three-year-old company that makes watching videos on the internet less like watching TV, and more like the engagement that abounds on the rest of the web.

“If you have ever put an image, or an icon, into a PowerPoint presentation or into a Word doc, you know how to make your videos interactive,” explains Veeple founder and CEO Scott Broomfield. Content creators can link almost anything—a link to an outside web page, a pdf, a panel that pops up with contact info or a Twitter feed—to what’s going on, on-screen.

Another opportunity Veeple creates is the ability to keep viewers in. “Instead of putting video inside of a web site,” says Broomfield, “you’re now able to put a web site inside of a video. So no matter where a video traffics, wherever it goes on the web, all your messaging flows with it.” And that messaging is working: customers using Veeple’s best-practices model are seeing an average click-through rate of 29.5 percent—a ridiculously high number, if you consider the average rate is 1 or 2 percent.

“What we’ve learned from our customers is that every video has an intention,” Broomfield says. “They’re not putting up a video randomly. They want people to view it; they want somebody to do something with it; they want to tell a story. And the viewer often wants to go deeper—they just don’t know how.”

More info:
Veeple web site:
Veeple examples and demos:
Veeple profile on CrunchBase: