Developers: the Apple tablet press announcements start

Appcelerator, which is a company that makes a developer tool/platform for developing native mobile and desktop apps by using HTML, Javascript, and its own API library, tonight is announcing Apple Tablet support and has also taken a poll of its 18,000 developers and found that 90% of its developers said they plan to build a Tablet application over the coming year. Also that most of its developers have already put Apple Tablet development behind iPhone and Android platform, but ahead of Blackberry, Palm Pre, Windows Mobile, and Symbian.

VentureBeat has all the details on their survey and other fun things they learned.

OK, nothing really shocking there, but I did sit down for an interview with CEO Jeff Haynie this afternoon.

In the interview Haynie explains why his developer platform is a lot faster to develop on than building apps in Objective-C (developers use standard web technologies, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, along with its own API, named Appcelerator Titanium, that is easy to call from JavaScript to do a variety of functions. You can watch a video where they explain more about how this works.

Basically Appcelerator is a competitor for Adobe’s AIR framework/app system but one that delivers onto the iPhone (and, within a few days, on the Apple Tablet, or whatever it’ll be called).

Yes Haynie is taking advantage of the Apple news, even before it happens, but I gotta appreciate that in a CEO.

Finally, in his survey they found that most of their developers see lots of opportunities for the Apple Tablet outside of the kinds of scenarios already discussed. We talk about these at length in the interview, but while gaming will be hot they see opportunities to develop new apps in entertainment, productivity/business, social networking, and education.

Ahh, Apple Tablet Hype Week continues…