A new addition here: the Meebo bar

Yesterday I went over to Meebo‘s headquarters in Mountain View, CA, to see their latest: the Meebo bar.

What is cool about this? It makes it super easy to share things on my blog with other people. How do you do it? Just drag and drop this video of the Meebo team showing me the Meebo bar, for instance, and you’ll be able to share it to a variety of social networks like Twitter or Facebook.

Plus it does a few other things, but watch the video to learn more about Meebo and how it works.

I thought it was so cool that both I and Rob La Gesse (who does stuff on my blog too) added it to our sites and we’ll add it to building43 too.

Anyway, try it out. Drag one of my videos around!

A 2010 real-time app development platform from Kynetx

I think this is such an interesting new development platform that I’m reprinting this video and post from building43.com:



A new platform from Kynetx has tools that let developers use customer preferences to add features to Web sites, regardless of the browser.

Phillip Windley, CTO, and Stephen Fulling, CEO of the Utah-based startup, came to Robert Scoble’s home to explain how the platform works and to show us the application in action in this building43 video.

“Our elevator speech is that we provide a development system for building applications that respond to context in the user environment,” Fulling explains in the video.

What does that mean?

It means that customers can get something extra when they come to a Web site. For example, if a AAA subscriber has her or his membership card information installed on PC or mobile device, an extra box with “AAA discounts” will be listed next to companies whose names turn up in a Google search for keywords such as rental cars or hotels.

Another application, through the Minutemen Library Network, alerts members that “this book is available in your local library,” after scanning book titles on a Web site. That application leverages the Jon Udell Library Lookup Project.

“As a developer, you can create the client-side experience” using rules-based platform and Javascript, says Windley.

Kynetx (pronounced Kuh-neh-ticks) is less than two years old. According to the founders, it was bootstrapped for the first year with the money Windley and Fulling got when they sold the small plane they jointly owned.

The Kynetx Developer Conference in November drew 150 people, and the company plans another one in the spring of 2010.

At the developer conference, Doc Searls, senior editor of the Linux Journal and co-author of The Cluetrain Manifesto, said platforms such as Kynetx show the balance of power is shifting.

“As customers gain more power to express their actual intentions, we will move from an economy that places a premium on guesswork – especially advertising, an ‘attention economy’ — to one that places a premium on knowledge that can only come from customers: the customers’ actual intentions. For example, their shopping lists. The result will be an ‘intention economy’ that is a vast improvement on the attention economy,” Searls said.

CrunchBase, the technology company profile Web site, lists AdaptiveBlue and Greasemonkey as compettitors.

Links relevant to this video include:

Kynetx Web site — http://www.kynetx.com

Kynetx developer blog — http://code.kynetx.com/

Kynetx AppBuilder — http://appbuilder.kynetx.com/

Kynetx Developer Conference – http://www.businesswire.com/portal/site/home/permalink/?ndmViewId=news_view&newsId=20091119006051&newsLang=en&usg=AFQjCNEFHmA004Lfl3dLpVPX3V1ibZ4tWA

CrunchBase company profile — http://www.crunchbase.com/company/kynetx

A VC view of 2010 with Accel Partners’ Rich Wong

Rich Wong had a good year in 2009. He helped fund AdMob which sold to Google and he’s invested in a raft of interesting companies as one of the guys at Accel Partners (who are one of the biggest investors in Facebook, for one).

Yesterday I sat down with him and had a 33-minute wide-ranging conversation about what’s coming in 2010. We cover real time, social networking, mobile (Android vs. iPhone), energy, and what prospects are like for VCs.

Other things discussed: browser vs. apps on mobile, content curation, real time search, the coming identity wars between Facebook/Twitter and Google.