The Real-Time PR Man

If you attend a tech event or conference you will probably run into Brian Solis. He’s one of those rare PR birds: everywhere all the time. He’s always on Twitter and Facebook too. Plus he guest posts over on Techcrunch, which shows he’s gotten the respect of Arrington, which for a PR person is very hard to do.

I call Brian the real-time PR man and the other day he came over my house for a long conversation about how PR has changed over the years (he’s been doing PR since 1991). This 50-minute conversation is split up into three parts. If you are interested in how PR people think and where the industry is going, this is a great conversation to listen to. It’s also an interesting conversation about what’s interesting in the tech industry.

Part I.
Part II.
Part III.

23 thoughts on “The Real-Time PR Man

  1. The number of retweets relative to when the post actually went live is fascinating. Really folks, you watched all 3 videos? Just admit you're blindly retweeting.


  2. Yes, maybe. The videos were originally released yesterday and some people may be pushing them because they are interesting. But, yes, I would love to hear more feedback from those who watched all three.


  3. Just watched all three. Great interview by Sobleizer and great insight from Brian. Definitely have to keep reminding myself that I'm a geek and not everyone sees the tech world the way I do.


  4. Good interview (and refreshingly well lit)!I bet you guys never thought you'd be such veterans in this new media world. I truly think you both bring a level of understanding that the majority of us will never know, since we weren't around to experience it. You've both been able to balance your positions as thought-leaders with authentic, social engagement.Thanks for the insight, from both sides of the aisle.I'm certain we'll be forming the “The Legends of New Media” Tribute Band soon enough.


  5. Nice interview, Brian is such a charming and giving PR person. Nice that he has paved the way for so many PR pros.


  6. Okay you caught me poised w/ my Rt button ready to go……but truly my respect for Robert and Brian the men and the “brands” knows no bounds and anything they do is a RT no brainer – or something I could get behind without worrying that I am pushing “inappropriate” content on any platform. I just don't have time this a.m. to watch all three (only listened to one) but am poised to do so!


  7. That's the danger. We assume too often and too easily that the content is good. When we do that and instantly retweet all we're demonstrating is how lazy we are and how much like sheep we've become. Sad.


  8. I just watched (mostly “listened”) to all three videos while working this afternoon. Thanks Robert and Brian. I especially identified with the insight on how Twitter will need to better communicate its value to continue growing. It still so difficult to communicate why people participate at times.


  9. My earlier comment seems to have gotten lost – but you can read it here:…In my chats with Pierre Omidyar about ratings systems, I have always advocated rating content more than people. Now I would place even GREATER value on context than on content (see e.g. ). This is related to the notion that “the medium is the message” — and the domain name is the medium.:) nmw


  10. Thanks, Robert. I am on Part I and enjoying the vid interviews with Brian so far. Feeling pretty good about what I am hearing so far regarding influencer PR and influencer Marketing. Brian's at the cutting edge of this and you both are at the cutting edge of finding what's new, what's hot, what's newsworthy, and how to get it talked about. PR biz is changing, yet as Brian says, the basic principles remain; good stories, good content, good relationships. It's the methods of delivery we need to stay ahead on.


  11. Why do you say “we” assume too often that the content is good…again, I defer to my earlier comment and am not sure if you understand what I said. I know Robert personally, and feel that if he is going to take the time to post 3 parts on someone and in this case, someone who I also know personally, and am interested in hearing from at length, then I take offense at you calling us lazy. I did go back and watch the rest and found the content to be commensurate with my initial assessment and expectation – interesting and compelling enough to pass on or be Re-tweeted.Maybe, with all due respect, you are being way to judgemental about my or one's ability to judge a brand by its cover.


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  14. Great set of videos and yes I watched all of them until the end. If you are not changing how you do PR and create authentic conversations then you will be left behind. Thanks guys for spending the time to put this content out there.


  15. such a HORRIBLE interviewer, despite my huge respect to mr.Brian Solis i couldnt watch more than 14 mins of the fisrt video !!


  16. People keep sending this link to me — yes, I've watched all three videos days ago! Yes, agree with all of it! Been sending to other folks as well, but seeing similar comments everywhere lately. What I think is really interesting is both the way people are self organizing into special interest groups as well as how individuals are categorizing other people into groups, lists, etc. It used to be telemarketers bought lists of people in various demographics. Now that information is being democratized — and l0ok what people can do! A ridiculous thing I hear from big companies is that their corporate firewalls block them from using social media — so employees basically can't listen to what the public thinks about their companies at work because their bosses think it will make them less productive. And they can't comment because it's not approved by legal, compliance and six other departments. Wake up corporate America! Give your employees the pencil or they won't be able to write a single word. – DD


  17. People keep sending this link to me — yes, I've watched all three videos days ago! Yes, agree with all of it! Been sending to other folks as well, but seeing similar comments everywhere lately. What I think is really interesting is both the way people are self organizing into special interest groups as well as how individuals are categorizing other people into groups, lists, etc. It used to be telemarketers bought lists of people in various demographics. Now that information is being democratized — and l0ok what people can do! A ridiculous thing I hear from big companies is that their corporate firewalls block them from using social media — so employees basically can't listen to what the public thinks about their companies at work because their bosses think it will make them less productive. And they can't comment because it's not approved by legal, compliance and six other departments. Wake up corporate America! Give your employees the pencil or they won't be able to write a single word. – DD


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