Twitter’s favorites added to my blog

If you visit my blog and look at the right side you’ll see a new widget: my favorite Tweets from Twitter. I am now watching more than 10,000 accounts and I click “favorite” on the best ones, which instantly puts them here. In the past two months I’ve favorited more than 7,000 tweets: all by hand and all by myself.

Hope you enjoy these. Unfortunately the widget only shows a few of my latest favorites while I usually favorite close to 100 tweets per day. So, to get the full set of favorites you should just visit my Twitter favorite page.

Why I don’t use Google Reader anymore

An hour or so ago I wrote a post over on my Posterous Blog about why I don’t use Google Reader much anymore and it’s already gotten a ton of interesting comments and been viewed 1,600 times. Since it’s the middle of the night in San Francisco, that tells me it was a popular post and I wanted to make sure that those of you who are just reading me only here (probably because you’re using an RSS reader) I wanted to make sure you had a chance to see this and comment on it.