
People are telling me that I hype up FriendFeed too much. So instead of praising the latest features I’ll just let Mike Arrington of TechCrunch praise them.

4 thoughts on “FriendFeed

  1. lol, glad you put it out there….I was starting to wonder if you were on their payroll or something…

    By-the-way, thanks for all the great articles. Been following for a while, but never commented.


  2. lol, glad you put it out there….I was starting to wonder if you were on their payroll or something…

    By-the-way, thanks for all the great articles. Been following for a while, but never commented.


  3. god you are so fucking boring. can you speak about anything other than fucking friendfeed or twitter?


  4. god you are so fucking boring. can you speak about anything other than fucking friendfeed or twitter?


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