Qik adds RSS feeds

Cool, now you can get my videos that I shoot on my cell phone directly into your iTunes or other RSS readers. Here’s the RSS feeds. Also, the feeds over on http://www.fastcompany.tv have been upgraded to support the same.

13 thoughts on “Qik adds RSS feeds

  1. Thanks for another great tip, Robert!

    It’s tough staying current with the frenetic pace of the new technology, but thanks to you we stand a chance. Spoke with Julia at http://www.mEgo.com the other day; they’ve got some neat stuff going on with their social network profile portability effort, really cutting edge. With all the new niche social networks appearing this will also be an emerging trend….


    Richard 🙂

    Chief Deal Weaver


  2. Thanks for another great tip, Robert!

    It’s tough staying current with the frenetic pace of the new technology, but thanks to you we stand a chance. Spoke with Julia at http://www.mEgo.com the other day; they’ve got some neat stuff going on with their social network profile portability effort, really cutting edge. With all the new niche social networks appearing this will also be an emerging trend….


    Richard 🙂

    Chief Deal Weaver


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