Cool photo book of Computer History

Scoble holding Core Memory book I just put up the video I shot a few weeks ago of Mark Richards, who just released a new coffee table picture book, Core Memory — he did the photography, John Alderman did the text. All photos of computers in the Computer History Museum. He spent two years working on the book. We filmed the interview in the museum, looking at the book, and talking about how he made the images. Photographers will love this one.

It’s a great book and one that any geek would love to have on their coffee table.

Non photographers will love my video and the book too, because both give you a really interesting look at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, CA.

UPDATE: wild, BoingBoing did a post on it today too with a lot more details and Mark Richards’ site is here.

Thanks to Shannon Clark for the picture of me holding the book — he’s in the video toward the end too.

I have brought my video camera to the Computer History Museum before back when I worked at Microsoft. Here I got a tour of the museum with famous technologist Gordon Bell (Part I and Part II)

UPDATE2: If you don’t have time for the long video, here’s a shorter “Editor’s Choice.”

9 thoughts on “Cool photo book of Computer History

  1. Interesting post. I have stumbled and twittered this for my friends. Hope others find it as interesting as I did.


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