Maryam approved: (new features added tonight)

Maryam got involved in one of the demos. She approves of Since the demo’s filming, though, they added new features.

TechCrunch alert!

Anyway, here’s the demo, with founder Matt Douglas and the interview where I grill him about why he thinks MyPunchBowl has a chance against bigger, entrenched competitors like


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20 thoughts on “Maryam approved: (new features added tonight)

  1. Hehe, love how they were adamantly against showing the guest list and spun their PR up on the notion that guest lists should be private. Good thing they are listening to their customers on this one..I think you can’t deny that most people make a decision on whether to attend a party based on who else is’s just the nature of people to be social animals. Those decisions are not made in isolation.

    My hat is off to the punchbowl peeps for actually having the courage to reverse their prior decision despite almost every single story about them featuring the idea that invite lists are private, and listen to what customers have to say. On Planypus we have found that our assumptions about social behavior are not always right and it’s important to listen to your customers to find out how you can improve. Good luck guys!


  2. Hehe, love how they were adamantly against showing the guest list and spun their PR up on the notion that guest lists should be private. Good thing they are listening to their customers on this one..I think you can’t deny that most people make a decision on whether to attend a party based on who else is’s just the nature of people to be social animals. Those decisions are not made in isolation.

    My hat is off to the punchbowl peeps for actually having the courage to reverse their prior decision despite almost every single story about them featuring the idea that invite lists are private, and listen to what customers have to say. On Planypus we have found that our assumptions about social behavior are not always right and it’s important to listen to your customers to find out how you can improve. Good luck guys!


  3. I think it was interested, then, to watch a demo of on Robert’s blog:

    There are typically lots of pieces to organize: picking a date, sending invitations, choosing


  4. I think it was interested, then, to watch a demo of on Robert’s blog:

    There are typically lots of pieces to organize: picking a date, sending invitations, choosing


  5. I don’t care that Techcrunch gave you a reasonably good review. I don’t care that Scoble says you’re Maryam approved.


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