Why you SHOULD be livid at me

Truth is, I’m just as big a jerk for not linking to cool stuff as anyone else is. Yeah, yeah, I link up plenty enough. It’s easy to link to people who are smarter than me. Cooler than me. Better looking than me. Have better news judgment than me. Or, just have better access than me. That’s what my link blog is all about.

But, I had it all wrong and 162 comments is all the proof I needed.

I haven’t been looking for different ideas. Different blogs. New people who I don’t already know.

It’s a lot easier to link to Engadget or Dave Winer or Shelley Powers instead of trying to find someone who has a new idea, new way of saying the same old, same old.

I’m running through the blogs right now that were posted to that thread and there are some really interesting people there.

Thank you so much. My life is a lot richer today. That, in the end, is all that really matters. Watch my link blog expand…

53 thoughts on “Why you SHOULD be livid at me

  1. Robert,


    You are free to do what you want. If people don’t like it, so fracking what. It’s YOUR blog, your space, your attitude or lack thereof.

    Nothing is going to happen to you if you don’t play nice. You’re not going to lose readers, you won’t be fired, and your popularity will NOT be affected.

    Grow up a little and quit worrying. You put your first and last name on every post, every video. Be yourself, say what you will, and stop being politically correct and trying to justify your actions.

    If I blogged, I say what the hell I wanted and not lose sleep over it.


  2. Robert,


    You are free to do what you want. If people don’t like it, so fracking what. It’s YOUR blog, your space, your attitude or lack thereof.

    Nothing is going to happen to you if you don’t play nice. You’re not going to lose readers, you won’t be fired, and your popularity will NOT be affected.

    Grow up a little and quit worrying. You put your first and last name on every post, every video. Be yourself, say what you will, and stop being politically correct and trying to justify your actions.

    If I blogged, I say what the hell I wanted and not lose sleep over it.


  3. Maybe a better title would be:

    “ScobleHD: High Drama – Why pay for TV when Scoble provides all the drama you need, FREE via RSS!”

    I think it’s been fun to follow. And my opinions haven’t been affected much at all. But, I have found more cool things to read about with all the increased links and comments.


  4. Maybe a better title would be:

    “ScobleHD: High Drama – Why pay for TV when Scoble provides all the drama you need, FREE via RSS!”

    I think it’s been fun to follow. And my opinions haven’t been affected much at all. But, I have found more cool things to read about with all the increased links and comments.


  5. Robert,

    Please disclose that we have the same name. You’re readers may become confused 🙂

    Anyway, yeah – you’ll find some pretty interesting stuff out there. I’ve been going through some of the blogs on that list and added a few cool people.

    My blog isn’t meant to be a medium for breaking news, it’s simply my thoughts about trying to start a startup. Most will find it boring, but it’s something for me to look back on in a few years (or publish into book format for personal keeping)… Hopefully I can say “ah, if only I knew the success” … but we all know the odds on that 😉


  6. Before I forget. You’re worrying about your bottom line a little, I’m sure of it. DON’T.

    If you cannot say what you want on your own blog, it’s not worth tip-toeing around and being pilitically correct (read apologizing) to people who don’t need it in order to potentially salvage something that doesn’t need salvaging.

    Be a man, say what you want. Nothing will happen.


  7. Robert,

    Please disclose that we have the same name. You’re readers may become confused 🙂

    Anyway, yeah – you’ll find some pretty interesting stuff out there. I’ve been going through some of the blogs on that list and added a few cool people.

    My blog isn’t meant to be a medium for breaking news, it’s simply my thoughts about trying to start a startup. Most will find it boring, but it’s something for me to look back on in a few years (or publish into book format for personal keeping)… Hopefully I can say “ah, if only I knew the success” … but we all know the odds on that 😉


  8. Before I forget. You’re worrying about your bottom line a little, I’m sure of it. DON’T.

    If you cannot say what you want on your own blog, it’s not worth tip-toeing around and being pilitically correct (read apologizing) to people who don’t need it in order to potentially salvage something that doesn’t need salvaging.

    Be a man, say what you want. Nothing will happen.


  9. Peter: good point. But I remember trying to join in the conversation and finding it all very difficult. The power of this stuff is that we don’t just have to listen to one or two people the way we did back when I was a kid (I remember when we only had three TV networks to choose from).

    My life has gotten richer with every person who has come into my life. That wouldn’t have happened if a few people who are above me didn’t link to me.


  10. Peter: good point. But I remember trying to join in the conversation and finding it all very difficult. The power of this stuff is that we don’t just have to listen to one or two people the way we did back when I was a kid (I remember when we only had three TV networks to choose from).

    My life has gotten richer with every person who has come into my life. That wouldn’t have happened if a few people who are above me didn’t link to me.


  11. My take is that frequent apology is just another thread bloggers can use in the weave of one’s blog, just as frequently quoted blogs are. Linking to wider variety of blogs is great but I fear the result may be a pattern-less quilt of a blog.


  12. My take is that frequent apology is just another thread bloggers can use in the weave of one’s blog, just as frequently quoted blogs are. Linking to wider variety of blogs is great but I fear the result may be a pattern-less quilt of a blog.


  13. Hi I’m a LongTimeReader-FirstTimePoster. I think its cool that you took the time to learn and listen to other opinions. Most people defend their own beliefs on principle. Good for you Mr. Scoble.

    On another note, google trends showed me that I’ve stared more items from your shared items than any other blogs. So thanks for that too.


  14. Hi I’m a LongTimeReader-FirstTimePoster. I think its cool that you took the time to learn and listen to other opinions. Most people defend their own beliefs on principle. Good for you Mr. Scoble.

    On another note, google trends showed me that I’ve stared more items from your shared items than any other blogs. So thanks for that too.


  15. You have to keep in mind your “power” and “responsibility” is granted to you by your audience. Your “power” is relative not to the number of people that you reach but relative to the affect you have on their thinking. If you weren’t taking that “responsibility” seriously, as you full well know you would be back to 18 readers and from the looks of things you aren’t. So keep up the good work and worry about creating good content and screw people who worry about anything else.


  16. You have to keep in mind your “power” and “responsibility” is granted to you by your audience. Your “power” is relative not to the number of people that you reach but relative to the affect you have on their thinking. If you weren’t taking that “responsibility” seriously, as you full well know you would be back to 18 readers and from the looks of things you aren’t. So keep up the good work and worry about creating good content and screw people who worry about anything else.


  17. Long time lurker, second time poster. Robert there were some good points brought up in the Valleywag post that you still need to address. This isn’t about the number of external blogs and outside sources you are linking to, its about the PERCEPTION that you are making paid shill videos for major hardware vendors. You know that perception is important-I notice you are very quick to label anything that is related to your most visible sponsor Seagate so that the reader immediately knows about the connection your blog has with this vendor. Your regular viewers/readers know that you are no vendor shill but it’s important to clarify over and over again that you maintain editorial independence over your content regardless of the sponsors of the blog and or your employer. Think deep-you know this is needed. Don’t get lost in side issues that really aren’t related to this main issue.


  18. Long time lurker, second time poster. Robert there were some good points brought up in the Valleywag post that you still need to address. This isn’t about the number of external blogs and outside sources you are linking to, its about the PERCEPTION that you are making paid shill videos for major hardware vendors. You know that perception is important-I notice you are very quick to label anything that is related to your most visible sponsor Seagate so that the reader immediately knows about the connection your blog has with this vendor. Your regular viewers/readers know that you are no vendor shill but it’s important to clarify over and over again that you maintain editorial independence over your content regardless of the sponsors of the blog and or your employer. Think deep-you know this is needed. Don’t get lost in side issues that really aren’t related to this main issue.


  19. Robert .. seriously, you have it together. Don’t listen to the naysayers. Remember …. blogs are personal.. they are about you. End of story.



  20. Robert .. seriously, you have it together. Don’t listen to the naysayers. Remember …. blogs are personal.. they are about you. End of story.



  21. Probably more of agreance with some of the other comments. GET OVER YOUR SELF, PLEASE. Go out, get on Technorati, do some digging and be the Scoble we all know you can be. Self reflection may be therapeutic, and I just as guilty of that, but the depth of your character will be shown when you pick yourself up and go out and kick some ass! now do it! NOW!


  22. Probably more of agreance with some of the other comments. GET OVER YOUR SELF, PLEASE. Go out, get on Technorati, do some digging and be the Scoble we all know you can be. Self reflection may be therapeutic, and I just as guilty of that, but the depth of your character will be shown when you pick yourself up and go out and kick some ass! now do it! NOW!


  23. @18 True,but what with the plethora of imbedded PodTech video links on this “personal” blog, it is becoming less and less personal and more and more a vehicle to generate traffic for PodTech. Nothing wrong with that. It’s his blog. But to suggest it’s completely personal? Not so much anymore.


  24. @18 True,but what with the plethora of imbedded PodTech video links on this “personal” blog, it is becoming less and less personal and more and more a vehicle to generate traffic for PodTech. Nothing wrong with that. It’s his blog. But to suggest it’s completely personal? Not so much anymore.


  25. Scoble,

    Denton’s a pig who uses his blog – Valleywag to piss on others for a buck and a little un-earned fame.

    Ignore that performance artist and his little skits. There are NO good points brought up in the Valleywag post that you still need to address.


  26. Scoble,

    Denton’s a pig who uses his blog – Valleywag to piss on others for a buck and a little un-earned fame.

    Ignore that performance artist and his little skits. There are NO good points brought up in the Valleywag post that you still need to address.


  27. I think you might call this an “adjustment” much like share prices and inflation etc. The inevitable drives your peripheral vision narrower , your time more scarce and it your linking more elitist. Then something like this happens, you realise, hand up “my bad” and all’s cool again.


  28. I think you might call this an “adjustment” much like share prices and inflation etc. The inevitable drives your peripheral vision narrower , your time more scarce and it your linking more elitist. Then something like this happens, you realise, hand up “my bad” and all’s cool again.


  29. Robert, write what you want, when you want, and disclaim or not. People are going to like what you do or not regardless.

    I am puzzled though why you reference me in these, especially in comparison with Dave Winer. I’m not a ‘bloghold’ name, and whatever illusions I had of influence are long gone. It puzzles me, but it’s your space, do what you want.

    Now, I want a big Seagate drive because you mentioned my name and didn’t link.


  30. Robert, write what you want, when you want, and disclaim or not. People are going to like what you do or not regardless.

    I am puzzled though why you reference me in these, especially in comparison with Dave Winer. I’m not a ‘bloghold’ name, and whatever illusions I had of influence are long gone. It puzzles me, but it’s your space, do what you want.

    Now, I want a big Seagate drive because you mentioned my name and didn’t link.


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