Demoing Flock

I’m demoing Flock to some people today. So if you see some weird posts you know what is going on. Drag-and-drop blogging.

Oh, and there’s a new Flock Extension. It adds a top-bar that displays Technorati results for the page you’re on. Interesting.

15 thoughts on “Demoing Flock

  1. “I’m demoing Flock to some people today”

    Some people????

    That is a quaint way to refer to the audience of your demo today.

    (Liz told me she saw you)


  2. “I’m demoing Flock to some people today”

    Some people????

    That is a quaint way to refer to the audience of your demo today.

    (Liz told me she saw you)


  3. I have read about Quintura Search in searchenginewatch forum and think that it is going to be a next-gen browser, can’t wait to check this out when the client software revealed next week


  4. I have read about Quintura Search in searchenginewatch forum and think that it is going to be a next-gen browser, can’t wait to check this out when the client software revealed next week


  5. @Systems Engineer: the issue you present is a genuine bug, and is described in bug #541. Although the dialog does describe that the blog type has been successfully auto-detected, the user experience might be better if each blogging platform were listed.

    Within the week, we will do another release on our path to a early adopter beta which includes:
    * Categories for a few blog platforms
    * Improves performance a bit 😉
    * Flickr upload
    * Favorites sync across concurrent interaction
    * Improves feed aggregation functionality and performance

    And, of course, Flock’s core is upgraded to Firefox 1.5 Release Candidate 2.


  6. @Systems Engineer: the issue you present is a genuine bug, and is described in bug #541. Although the dialog does describe that the blog type has been successfully auto-detected, the user experience might be better if each blogging platform were listed.

    Within the week, we will do another release on our path to a early adopter beta which includes:
    * Categories for a few blog platforms
    * Improves performance a bit 😉
    * Flickr upload
    * Favorites sync across concurrent interaction
    * Improves feed aggregation functionality and performance

    And, of course, Flock’s core is upgraded to Firefox 1.5 Release Candidate 2.


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